

Emergency Water Shutdown - Second Update

Published: 8 July 2008


We wish to inform you that water pressure has been fully restored to all of the buildings affected by the accidental break in the main water line that occurred today, July 7th, at 1:00 pm. The impacted buildings include FDA, Wilson Hall, Arts Building, Dawson Hall, McConnell Engineering, Macdonald Engineering, Redpath Museum, James Administration, James Ferrier, and Power House.

The return of water pressure to these buildings means that, where available, the sprinkler systems used for fire suppression are fully functional. In addition, water is now being supplied to washrooms for the flushing of toilets and urinals.

However, it will take several days for us to flush the piping systems and to conduct water quality tests to ensure that the water supplied to the buildings is safe to drink. Therefore, before consumption, all water supplied through faucets and fountains within the impacted buildings must be boiled for a minimum of one minute at a rapid rolling boil.

In the meantime, in order to ensure that drinking water is readily available, we have made arrangements to deliver bottles of water to the affected buildings as of Tuesday morning. Please note that this water is to be used only by those people occupying these buildings. We ask that you use this water sparingly and for personal use only.

We will notify everybody as soon as the situation is back to normal.

To report any concerns about the water supply to your building, please contact Security Services at 514-398-3000.

Thanks for your patience and understanding,

Jim Nicell
Associate Vice-Principal (University Services)

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