
Over the course of the Winter 2018 and Summer 2018 semesters the Education Collection, currently housed on the second floor the Humanties and Social Sciences Library, will be integrated into the main Humanities and Social Sciences Collection in the McLennan Library Building. This project will increase the visibility and browsability of the Education Collection and will create space for over 100 new study seats.

Classified as: Renovations
Published on: 12 Feb 2018

The 69热视频 Law & Society Workshop Series invites scholars, graduate students and postdocs in law, the social sciences, and the humanities to present works-in-progress broadly falling within the field of law and society.

We seek papers that use qualitative, quantitative, or interpretivist methods to explore the complex relationship between legal phenomena and social, political, and economic interactions, institutions, and processes. Our interest in socio-legal research extends to state, non-state, formal, and informal norms, institutions, and processes.

Classified as: Research
Published on: 20 Sep 2017

Experiential Learning (EL) refers to the active process of learning by doing, in a mindful and intentional manner. According to the Association for Experiential Education, 鈥淓xperiential Learning occurs when carefully chosen experiences are supported by reflection, critical analysis and syntheses.鈥

The innovative CaPS ExL Program was created by professional career counsellors and is designed to:

Classified as: EL, experiential learning
Published on: 29 Nov 2016

The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2016 is awarded to Bob Dylan "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition". ()

Classified as: literature, poetry, Department of English, Nobel prize, song, merve emre, bob dylan
Published on: 13 Oct 2016

鈥淰oters in Colombia have rejected a landmark peace deal with Farc rebels in a shock referendum result, with 50.2% voting against it.鈥 ()

Catherine LeGrand, Department of History, 69热视频

"The close 鈥榥o鈥 vote in the plebiscite on the recent peace accord is a shock that plunges Colombia into deep political-institutional crisis.聽 What comes next is not clear.鈥鈥擟atherine LeGrand

Classified as: Latin America, referendum, Colombia, catherine legrand, farc
Published on: 3 Oct 2016

69热视频 Newsroom

69热视频 Sociologist uses historical data to provide a new take on an old question

Classified as: sociology, Election, Politics, society and culture, bernie sanders, labor party, Eidlin
Published on: 26 May 2016

By Cynthia Lee


Everyone marches to the beat of their own drum: From walking to talking to producing music, different people鈥檚 movements occur at different speeds.

Classified as: music, Movement, caroline palmer, march, society and culture, beat, drum, speed, rhythm, coordination, Anna Zamm, Chelsea Wellman, Journal of Experimental Psychology
Published on: 9 Feb 2016

In 2007, a treasure hunting company found a 19th Century shipwreck in the Atlantic, off the coast of Portugal. The company, Odyssey Marine Exploration, claimed property of the shipwreck and its cargo, some 600,000 silver and gold coins.

Classified as: Research, Nuestra Se帽ora de las Mercedes, trial, Yves Winter
Published on: 5 Dec 2014

Cohen is among the recipients of the 13 Prix du Qu茅bec, whose names were announced today at a press conference held in Montreal.
With a voice that stirs the senses and a gift for poetic language that touches the soul, Leonard Cohen has been remarkably prolific in a career that spans five decades. His first volume of poetry was published while he was still an undergraduate student in 69热视频鈥檚 Faculty of Arts and since then, he has used his abundant talents to inspire and move generations of readers and listeners around the world. A 69热视频 graduate (BA鈥55) and honorary degree recipient (DLitt鈥92), Cohen was voted one of the 鈥楪reatest 69热视频ians鈥, a contest organized by the 69热视频 Alumni Association as part of the celebration of the University鈥檚 190th anniversary.

Published on: 29 Oct 2012

聽Monsieur Cohen est l鈥檜n des 13 laur茅ats d鈥檜n Prix du Qu茅bec, dont les noms ont 茅t茅聽d茅voil茅s aujourd鈥檋ui dans le cadre d鈥檜ne conf茅rence de presse tenue 脿 Montr茅al.

Dot茅 d鈥檜ne voix qui fait vibrer les c艙urs et d鈥檜n sens de la po茅sie qui remue les 芒mes, Leonard Cohen a 茅t茅 extr锚mement prolifique au fil de ses 50 ann茅es de carri猫re. Il a publi茅 son premier recueil de po茅sie alors qu鈥檌l 茅tait encore 茅tudiant de premier cycle 脿 la Facult茅 des arts de 69热视频. Depuis, il a inspir茅 et 茅mu par ses multiples talents des g茅n茅rations de lecteurs et de spectateurs dans le monde entier. Dipl么m茅 de l鈥橴niversit茅 69热视频 (B.A. 1955) et r茅cipiendaire d鈥檜n doctorat honorifique (D. 猫s L. 1992), Leonard Cohen a 茅t茅 茅lu l鈥檜n des Grands Mcgillois, concours organis茅 par l鈥橝ssociation des dipl么m茅s de 69热视频 dans le cadre des c茅l茅brations entourant le 190e anniversaire de la c茅l猫bre institution montr茅alaise.聽

Classified as: alumni, english department
Published on: 29 Oct 2012


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