
Éliane Ubalijoro,BSc(Agr)'92, PhD'01 has an incredible story. As a Rwandan college student, she was studying in Canadaatthe outbreak of the Rwandan civil war. She returned to Rwanda during the conflict to pursue agricultural research, but ultimately decided that the country was too unsafe to make progress in her career.

Published on: 21 Mar 2019

We extend best wishes to Startups involving FAES students who will compete for the in the on March 27.

Classified as: entrepreneurship, Dobson Cup
Published on: 21 Mar 2019

Pendant son projet de doctorat, Elise Shepley [AnSci] analysait la santé des pattes des animaux en lien avec leur mode de logement, en stabulation libre ou entravée. « Je tente de démontrer l’impact positif de faire bouger les bovins, un aspect peu documenté scientifiquement et méconnu des producteurs », explique-t-elle.

Photo: Elise Shepley, doctorante dans le laboratoire de la chercheuse Elsa Vasseur au Département des sciences animales de l’Université 69Ƶ, en compagnie d’une vache nommée Hasta La Vista.

Classified as: vaches, recreation
Published on: 13 Mar 2019

Anne-Sophie Brazeau (SHN) is one of the Principal Investigators on the . The team believes that it is essential to accurately define hypoglycemia, to understand the patient experience with therapy and treatment options, and to facilitate patient education.

Classified as: Type 1 diabetes Therapies, technologies, hypoglycemia
Published on: 13 Mar 2019

Les stations radars météorologiques recueillent des données d’une importance capitale pour les agriculteurs. « La station qui appartient à l’Université 69Ƶ, située à Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, était responsable de la surveillance météo pour la région de Montréal de 1968 à octobre 2018 », explique Frédéric Fabry, directeur de l’observatoire radar de l’Université 69Ƶ.


Classified as: JS Marshall Radar Observatory, weather station
Published on: 13 Mar 2019

NRS students and staff receive "Principal's Prize for Public Engagement" recognition

Kudos to FAES Science Communicators Allyson Menzies (PhD Candidate-NRS-Humphries), Marianne Falardeau-Côté (PhD Candidate-NRS-Bennett) and Emeritus Professor David M. Bird (NRS), who recently received well-deserved recognition from the Principal’s Prize for Public Engagement through Media.

Classified as: Principal's Prize, public engagement
Published on: 13 Mar 2019

What is the secret to longevity? Kyle Elliott (NRS) and Anne Mouillier (MSE) share clues to the aging process in the black-winged kittiwake in the debut of Aging in the Wild on this week's Nature of Things.

Classified as: aging, kittiwake
Published on: 13 Mar 2019

ReadScott Pemberton's articlefor the March issue of the Baie-D'Urfé News & Views

Classified as: Morgan Arboretum, Macdonald Campus
Published on: 11 Mar 2019

[Paul Meldrum, Macdonald Campus Farm Manager, is a familiar and friendly face to many staff and students on campus - He describes his experience working with students at the farm: "I am very proud of our students. They inspire me and give me confidence in the future."]

Paul Meldrum est un vrai passionné. Après avoir mené de front, pendant 22ans, le métier d’éleveur de vaches laitières et de journaliste spécialisé en agriculture, il a été engagé par la ferme du Campus Macdonald en 2004. Et il en assure la direction – avec un enthousiasme évident – depuis 11ans.

Published on: 21 Feb 2019

Stéphanie Chevalier et Nancy Presse, Diététistes-Nutritionnistes, et quatre autres signataires

Nous saluons la parution du nouveau Guide alimentaire canadien pour son virage résolument moderne et son approche davantage axée sur la qualité et les comportements alimentaires sains.

Nous sommes cependant préoccupées par certaines recommandations aux îé et ce faisant, ajoutons notre voix à celle de Louise Lambert-Lagacé qui s’est exprimée récemment dans vos pages.

Classified as: nutrition, îé, guide alimentaire
Published on: 15 Feb 2019

During a summer internship in California’s Lava Beds National Monument, Christopher Patterson, a second- year student in Bioresource Engineering, worked as a Research Assistant for ATiLT (Astrobiology Training in Lava Tubes).

“By studying naturally protective formations like lava tubes and other potentially habitable locations, I have become aware of the incredible opportunities that lie beyond our world not only for myself, but for humanity as a whole,” says Patterson.

Classified as: Astrobiology, lava tubes
Published on: 14 Feb 2019

Founder's Day,our annual celebration of the life and generosity of our benefactor, Sir William Christopher Macdonald. is held on the Thursday closest to the anniversary of his birth - February 10, 1831. Founder’s Day festivities are an occasion to celebrate our history, our strengths and our promise for the future.

Classified as: Founder's Day Celebrations
Published on: 14 Feb 2019

La Ferme Macdonald College fait partie des seize fermes laitières qui ont reçu les grands honneurs à l’occasion du 30e Gala du Club de l’Excellence d’Agropur, tenu à Québec le 25 janvier dernier. Cet événement a rendu hommage aux fermes laitières, membres d’Agropur, ayant enregistré les meilleurs résultats en matière de qualité. Lors de l’évènement, la Ferme Macdonald College a été intronisée au Club de l’Excellence d’Agropur.

Classified as: Macdonald Campus Farm, Milk Production
Published on: 14 Feb 2019

Congratulations to Jianguo (Jeff) Xia ( AnSci/Para), Guillaume Bourque (Director of Bioinformatics at the 69Ƶ & Genome Quebec Innovation Center) and Pierre-Étienne Jacques (Sherbrooke) who were awarded $1.1 by Genome Canada earlier this week.

Classified as: Genome Canada, human health
Published on: 14 Feb 2019

From: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

News release

February 11, 2019 – Montreal, Quebec – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

The bioeconomy sector holds tremendous potential for Canada, helping to reduce our carbon footprint while creating opportunities to grow our economy.

Classified as: biomass, bioeconomy, Bio-energy
Published on: 11 Feb 2019


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