
Animaux transport茅s sur de longues distances et stress茅s, cadence d'abattage 茅lev茅e鈥 Devant les d茅savantages de l'abattage industriel, une autre solution est possible : l'abattoir mobile, qui se d茅place directement 脿 la ferme. [鈥 Kevin Wade, directeur du d茅partement des sciences animales de l'Universit茅 69热视频 : L茅galement, il est possible d'exploiter un abattoir mobile au Qu茅bec, 脿 condition de respecter les exigences pr茅vues par la r茅glementation (loi et r猫glements).

Published on: 24 May 2018

Ramzy Kassouf recently appeared in two videos produced by the Union des producteurs agricoles (UPA) which spoke to the importance of preserving and nurturing the 2047 hectares of remaining agricultural land on Montreal Island - the majority of which are found in Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Senneville and 脦le-Bizard.

Classified as: farming, farm land
Published on: 2 May 2018

Alice Cherestes, interim Director of the Freshman Program in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; and Teresa Zatylny, Administrative Student Affairs Coordinator in the Faculty of Engineering, were recently presented with the Dean of Students Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Academic Advising.

Classified as: advising award, freshman program
Published on: 2 May 2018

The 69热视频 Centre for the Convergence of Health and Economics (MCCHE) at the Desautels Faculty of Management, together with the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (FAES) and Trussbridge, are proud to announce the winner of the 2018 Food and Agribusiness Convergent Innovation Prize.

Published on: 1 May 2018

Wednesday, June 6, 2:30 p.m.

Doctor of Science,听honoris causa
B.V.Sc. (Veterinary College Mhow), M.V.Sc. (Veterinary College Mathura), Ph.D. (University of Sheffield)

Classified as: Macdonald Campus, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Published on: 27 Apr 2018

Wednesday, June 6, 10 a.m.

Doctor of Science,听honoris causa
B.Sc. (University of Ottawa), M.Sc. (University of Guelph), Ph.D. (University of California, Davis)

Classified as: School of Human Nutrition
Published on: 27 Apr 2018

Harriet Kuhnlein, PhD, RD, FASN, FIUNS, LLD (honoris causa), Professor Emerita (69热视频) was recently recognized with a 2018 Alumni Recognition Award from the Health and Human Development Alumni Society of the Pennsylvania State University.

Classified as: Harriet Kuhnlein, CINE, food systems, nutrition security, Indigenous Peoples, Human Nutrition
Published on: 24 Apr 2018

69热视频 has sent four of its top students in the Farm Management and Technology (FMT) program at Macdonald Campus to compete in the North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge (NAIDC), from April 12鈥14 in Visalia, California. Visalia is in the San Joaquin Valley, one of the most productive agricultural areas in the US, about 310 km north of Los Angeles.

Martha Mackinnon, Craig Waddell, Thomas MacDougall and V茅ronique Brisson are members of the Macdonald Dairy Challenge Club of the Macdonald Campus Student Society (MCSS) representing 69热视频 at the Dairy Challenge.

Classified as: dairy farm, North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge
Published on: 13 Apr 2018

DOWNEY, Bruce R.

October 15, 1939 - April 4, 2018

The Department of Animal Science is saddened to announce the passing of Emeritus Professor Bruce Downey.

Classified as: Bruce Downey, Obituary
Published on: 11 Apr 2018

If you participated in the MEDLIFE 69热视频 Macdonald Branch/Global Food Security Club Krispy Kreme fundraiser, the We Are Aware: Montreal Campaign, or the Mac Basket Food Drive, you likely crossed paths with the ever-cheery Christine Ha, U3, BScNutrSc (Global Nutrition).

Classified as: global nutrition, nutrition, Volunteering, Scarlet Key, Human Nutrition
Published on: 4 Apr 2018

鈥淭he system that's in place, the supply management system, is good for Qu茅bec producers and U.S. producers because it guarantees good prices and that allowed U.S. producers to actually expand rapidly in the last few years,鈥 explains Pascal Th茅riault, an economist at 69热视频's Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences in Montr茅al.

Classified as: maple syrup
Published on: 12 Mar 2018

Discovery of calnexin protein鈥檚 role in the blood-brain barrier could lead to new MS treatments.

A discovery led by scientists at the University of Alberta and 69热视频 is providing hope of a new therapeutic target in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients, which could one day be used to prevent the symptoms and progression of the disease.

Classified as: MS treatments, calnexin protein, School of Human Nutrition, Luis Agellon
Published on: 8 Mar 2018

Global News

CTV News Montreal

March 6. Dean Anja Geitmann was interviewed by CTV News Anchor Mutsumi Takahashi about what will be needed to meet the demands of the cannabis industry once legalization occurs, and how the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is responding to this need for trained professionals.

Classified as: cannabis workshops, medical cannabis
Published on: 7 Mar 2018

[...] 芦 Dans l'essai, la grande majorit茅 des vaches sont all茅es et sont rest茅es au p芒turage 禄, observe Elsa Vasseur, de l'universit茅 de 69热视频. Cela a repr茅sent茅 entre 90 脿 98 % de l'effectif en semaine 1, 2 et 4. En semaine 3, seulement 40 % des vaches ont choisi le p芒turage, 芦 probablement en raison des temp茅ratures plus froides associ茅es 脿 des conditions pluvieuses et venteuses 禄.

Classified as: cows, grazing
Published on: 28 Feb 2018


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