

Optimal markdown pricing for holiday basket with customer valuation

Authors: Hijun Wang, Shanling Li and Jianwen Luo?

Publication: International Journal of Production Research, Forthcoming


Published: 16 Feb 2018

Brand Positioning and Consumer Taste Information

Authors: Arcan Nalca, Tamer Boyaci and Saibal Ray

Publication: European Journal of Operational Research, Forthcoming


Published: 30 Jan 2018

An integrated framework for inventory management and transportation of refined petroleum products: Pipeline or marine?

Authors: Atiq W. Siddiqui, Manish R. Verma and Vedat Verter

Publication: Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 55, 2018


Published: 9 Jan 2018

The Power of Diversity: Data-Driven Robust Predictive Control for Energy-Efficient Buildings and Districts

Authors:?Georgios Darivianakis, Angelos Georghiou, Roy S. Smith, John Lygeros?

Publication:?IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology?(Volume: PP,?Issue: 99)


Published: 10 Nov 2017

Bensadoun School of Retail Management highlighted among Quebec’s most innovative business programming

As business schools adapt their programs to address the grand challenges of our time, 69热视频’s Bensadoun School of Retail Management stands out as an initiative that will respond to the needs of a rapidly changing retail industry.

Published: 7 Nov 2017

Designing distribution systems with reverse flows

Authors:?Ayse Cilaci?Tombus? Necati Aras, Vedat Verter

Publication: Journal of Remanufacturing, Vol. 7, No. 2-3, December 2017


Published: 23 Oct 2017

The Strategic Role of Business Insurance

Authors: Juan Serpa and Harish S. Krishnan

Publication: Management Science, Vol. 63, No. 2, February 2017


The use of business insurance has been traditionally studied in a single-firm setting, but in reality preventing operational accidents involves the (unobservable) efforts of multiple firms. We show that, in a multifirm setting, insurance can be used strategically as a commitment mechanism to prevent excessive free riding by other firms. In the presence of wealth imbalances, contracts alone leave wealth-constrained firms with inefficiently low incentives to exert effort (because of limited liability) and firms with sufficient wealth with excessive incentives. Insurance allows the latter to credibly commit to lower effort, thereby mitigating the incentives of the wealth-constrained firms to free ride. This finding shows that insurance can improve the efficiency of risk management efforts by decreasing free-riding problems.

Read full article: Management Science

Published: 19 Oct 2017

The Impact of Supply Chains on Firm-Level Productivity

Authors: Juan Serpa and Harish S. Krishnan

Publication: Management Science, Vol. 64, No. 2, February 2018


Firms in a vertical relationship are likely to affect each other’s productivity. Exactly how does productivity spill over across this type of relationship (i.e., through which mechanisms)? Additionally, how does the relative importance of these mechanisms depend on the structure of the supply chain?

To answer these questions, we decompose the channels of upstream productivity spillovers—from customers to suppliers—by developing a structural econometric model on a sample of approximately 22,500 supply chain dyads.

We find that the “endogenous channel” (i.e., the effect of the customer’s own productivity on the supplier’s productivity) is by far the most important source of spillovers. This is especially true if (i) the supplier has a concentrated customer base, (ii) the supplier and the customer have similar operational characteristics, and (iii) the relationship has medium maturity.

In the converse scenarios, we find, it is more important to have a partner with a portfolio of favorable “contextual” characteristics (high inventory turnover, financial liquidity, and asset turnover) than to have a productive partner.

Read full article: Management Science

Published: 19 Oct 2017

Saibal Ray on the potential benefits and costs if Amazon chooses Montreal

As Amazon hunts for a location for its second North American headquarters, Canada’s major cities are building their cases.

In a short interview with the 69热视频 Media team, Desautels Professor Saibal Ray talks about the benefits that a Montreal Amazon office would bring in terms of jobs and indirect benefits to the city’s academic and research sectors.

Published: 21 Sep 2017

Desautels’ Juan Serpa included on Poets & Quants’s top 40 Undergrad profs list

Poets & Quants has released its inaugural 2017 Top Undergraduate Business Professors list, and on it is Desautels’ own Juan Camilo Serpa, Assistant Professor of Operations Management.

Published: 20 Sep 2017

Desautels professor on cultural sensitivity and western managers working in China

A piece at CNBM.net.cn quotes Desautels Professor Saibal Ray on how foreign workers in China can work smoothly with their Chinese counterparts.?

Published: 5 Sep 2017

Integrated fleet mix and routing decision for hazmat transportation: A developing country perspective

Authors: Anand Kumar, Debjit Roy, Vedat Verter and Dheeraj Sharma

Publication: European Journal of Operational Research, Vol 264, No. 1, January 2018


Published: 10 Aug 2017

Managing Patient Admissions in a Neurology Ward

Authors: Saied Samiedaluie, Beste Kucukyazici, Vedat Verter, Dan Zhang

Publication: Operations Journal


Published: 3 Jul 2017

As Lush expands, pressure on producers mounts

According to the Globe and Mail, times are good for UK-based bath-bomb producer Lush. Right now, all of its North American stores are supplied from two Canadian production centres, but as business picks up in the southern US, the company is looking at opening a US factory to supply that market; since Lush is all about sustainable, preservative-free products, it needs a production facility to be near a given area’s retailers.

Published: 28 Jun 2017

2016-17 Desautels Teaching Awards

Congratulations to Professor Juan Serpa and Professor Sujata Madan who have been selected as the recipients of the?2016-17 Desautels Faculty Teaching Award?for?Undergraduate?and?Graduate?teaching, respectively.?

Published: 17 May 2017


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