

How business can lead change in South Africa

An opinion piece for News24 argues that, in general, business leaders in South Africa have been heavily influenced by greed, showing little interest in using their resources for improving the nation’s socio-political context.

Published: 4 Oct 2017

Beef cattle management includes pregnancy checks

A piece in the Coshocton Tribune delves into the subject of fall-season beef herds and how to decide whether to cull a female. Pregnancy status can be the determining factor, since caring for a cow can cost $1,000 per year. If a cow isn’t a good bet for breeding, it might be better to sell it off or harvest the meat. Since a cow isn’t fully mature until the age of four, good nutrition is crucial for cows that are being aimed at breeding while they are themselves still developing.

Published: 19 Sep 2017

Wisdom, comfort zones and Henry Mintzberg

A recent piece in India’s Free Press Journal delves into wisdom and the six parameters listed in the ancient Sanskrit epic, Mahabharata. The parameters include listening intently and gaining a full understanding of something before jumping into action, being able to hold forth on seminal books, having a quick mind and so on. Loyalty is also listed as a big factor, as is openness to change.

Published: 6 Sep 2017

Management and Mintzberg’s Five Ps of Strategy

Executive Coach Robert Mandeya writes for the Zimbabwe Independent that organisations live and die by the strategic decisions that their top executives make, and that strategic management is not necessarily the same as strategy. Using Apple’s iPad2 as an example, he delves into the formal tools that help us get a handle on the relationship among factors like executive decision-makers, their companies, and their industries.

Published: 23 Aug 2017

Giving disruption a new face

A recent article in Forbes India looks at the buzz-concept of disruption, and how many companies are caught up in a disrupt-or-die philosophy.

When the idea of disruption was first floated in the early 20th century, it reflected the standard market movements of the day; today’s lightning-fast disruption cycle has completely turned the old concept of “normal” on its ear. But is disruption just a by-product of the modern world?

Published: 2 Aug 2017

New international sustainability test module based on Mintzberg book announced

The Sustainability Literacy Test (aka “Sulitest”) is both a non-profit and a method for verifying sustainability know-how across the globe. It is the work of an international cadre of academics and business professionals alike, mandated by the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012.

Published: 20 Jul 2017

Natalia Aguilar Delgado Finalist for the Emerald Best International Dissertation Award

The dissertation of Desautels PhD alumna Natalia Aguilar Delgado was selected as finalist for the Emerald Best International Dissertation Award of the Academy of Management 2017. ?

Professor Paola Perez-Aleman was the supervisor of her research.

Natalia graduated in June 2017 and is currently an Assistant Professor of International Business at HEC Montreal.?

Published: 18 Jul 2017

Jose Carlos Marques Finalist for 2017 AOM SIM Dissertation Award

The dissertation of Desautels PhD alumnus Jose Carlos Marques (PhD'17) was selected as one of the three finalists for the Academy of Management Social Issues in Management Best Dissertation Award 2017.

Published: 18 Jul 2017

Microservices are a boon for adaptability-focused firms

Author Ronnie Mitra writes in The New Stack about how businesses are focussing on adaptability like never before, and how that is weighing heavy on tech teams. It looks more and more like the answer lies in microservices.

Published: 18 Jul 2017

Professor Dror Etzion wins 2017 Roland Calori Prize

Professor Dror Etzion has been awarded the 2017 Roland Calori Prize for “Tackling Grand Challenges Pragmatically: Robust Action Revisited.”

The Prize is presented bi-annually for the best article published in Organization Studies over the last two years.

Published: 11 Jul 2017

Coop Director suggests that we trust our teams

In a piece for Cooperateur, La Coop Fédérée Director Colette Lebel asks what would happen if if we just trust our teams instead of depending on our individualism all the time?

Published: 29 Jun 2017

A Chinese student and the Desautels Professors who inspired her

In a recent op-ed on sohu.com, Chuqing Zhang describes the four months she spent in Montreal at the Desautels Faculty of Management as an important phase in her development as an academic.

Published: 27 Jun 2017

Mintzberg on healthcare management and how to fix it

In his new book, Managing the Myths of Healthcare, Desautels professor Henry Mintzberg decries the current management culture being foisted on society by leadership programs, describing it as “detached, generic, technocratic,” before going on to claim that it can too easily lead to bullying and divisiveness.

Published: 8 Jun 2017

Getting the terminology right: Just what is a ‘strategic plan,’ anyway?

In a recent blog post, Cape Chamber of Commerce & Industry Executive Director Sid Peimer of South Africa asks just what a “strategic plan” is, pointing out that a strategy and a plan are two different things. Mr. Peimer contends that a strategy is what one needs in order to attain a goal, while a plan is the “how.”

Published: 31 May 2017

Desautels professor contributes to major paper by green energy group

Sustainable Canada Dialogues is a network of academics that was commissioned by Ottawa to come up with a green-energy transition plan for Canada.

The result is Re-energizing Canada: Pathways to a Low-Carbon Future. The report is product of efforts by 71 academics, including Desautels Professor Dror Etzion.

Published: 30 May 2017


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