
Food Revolutions and the Law of Food – Les enjeux locaux, nationaux et internationaux

Monday, February 18, 2019 15:00to17:00
Chancellor Day Hall Stephen Scott Seminar Room (OCDH 16), 3644 rue Peel, Montreal, QC, H3A 1W9, CA
Free. 30$ for lawyers seeking CLE hours.

Part of the Innovation Week series of events, which this year focuses mainly on food.

The Centre for Intellectual Property Policy () welcomes Donald Buckingham, President and CEO of the Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute (CAPI), and Professor Geneviève Parent, Faculté de droit, Université de Laval.

Food for Law Week will begin with two keynote speakers. Together they will set the stage for the week’s discussions, illustrating the current landscape of food law and policy in Canada, and exploring current issues, the direction in which this area is developing, and what role various actors play in the evolution of this field.


Food is a wonderful, yet dangerous, thing. Our Sapien ancestors have been playing with their food, manipulating it as it were, for over 10,000 years. And as humans try the next thing in food and food technology—whether it is domestication, fermentation, refrigeration, or genetic modification—we are always concerned. Is the food safe, healthy, nutritious, appropriate, or available to all? These are the questions of the Food Law. Dr. Buckingham will take you on a sweeping tour of the evolutions and revolutions of food and the legal framework that regulates it in Canada. So fasten your seatbelts and bon appétit!

Le droit international n’est pas non plus exempt de révolutions! Il sera également question de la difficile construction normative internationale autour du concept de sécurité alimentaire durable. Que peut nous apprendre le passé? De quelle manière le droit international intervient-il dans l’atteinte d’une sécurité alimentaire durable? Que pouvons-nous envisager comme encadrement juridique international général et contraignant pour l’atteinte de cet objectif? Tout réfléchissant autour de ces questions, la professeure Parent introduira les étudiants aux fondements et enjeux du droit international agroalimentaire.

The speakers

Donald Buckingham: Before assuming the position of President and CEO of CAPI, Dr. Buckingham acted as the Chairperson of the Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal, a private lawyer, government lawyer, law professor, author and consultant in the areas of agricultural law, food law and international trade in agricultural products. Passionate about the various aspects of agriculture and food since growing up on the family farm in Saskatchewan, Dr. Buckingham has since pursued his food and agriculture interests in a variety of professional contexts and geographic locations. He is the co-author of five books, including Agriculture Law in Canada (Butterworths: 1999), and is the sole author of Halsbury's Laws of Canada: "Agriculture" volume and "Food" volume (LexisNexis: 2009 and 2014), as well as an extensive array of chapters and entries in other books and academic journals.

Geneviève Parent est professeure titulaire à la Faculté de droit de l'Université Laval à Québec et titulaire de la Chaire de recherche en droit sur la diversité et la sécurité alimentaires (DDSA). Ses champs d'intérêt sont la sécurité alimentaire et le droit de l’agroalimentaire national et international. Ses recherches portent notamment sur les moyens juridiques nationaux et internationaux d’assurer la diversité agricole et alimentaire, l’analyse des impacts du droit international sur la législation canadienne et québécoise de l’agroalimentaire et la recherche d’une plus grande cohérence entre le droit international économique et les autres sphères du droit au profit d’une sécurité alimentaire mondiale durable. Elle a rédigé de nombreux articles et ouvrages scientifiques et est fréquemment invitée à prononcer des conférences dans diverses rencontres nationales et internationales.

A request for accreditation for 2 hours of continuing legal education for jurists has been made to a recognized provider.

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