
Conferences - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 00:05
PRELIMINARY PROGRAM * Parallel Oral Sessions * Poster Sessions * Keynote Speakers: Sabine De Knop (Universit茅 Saint-Louis, Bruxelles, Belgium) Volker Gast (Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena, Germany) Dan Zeman (Charles University, Prague) * Panel Discussion Contact Information: The conference website: https://iclc11.ff.cuni.cz/ For any queries, please contact the organizing committee at iclc11@ff.cuni.cz.

Conferences - Sat, 07/20/2024 - 17:05
TEFL Kuwait is soliciting proposals from researchers and English language educators and academics who are interested in English language teaching and learning for professional development and staying abreast of the latest trends by networking with fellow educators in different parts of the world. We welcome proposals that fall into any of the themes below. Proposals that emphasize the MENA region specifically are highly encouraged. However, proposals from other parts of the world are welcome a

The LINGUIST List - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 16:05
Call for Papers: We invite submissions for the COLLING 2025 Workshop on New Horizons in Computational Linguistics for Religious Texts that will be held with the 31st edition of COLING in 2025 in Abu Dhabi (UAE) (COLING 2025). This workshop invites researchers exploring the intersection of language technology and religious texts. This workshop aims to foster discussion on cutting-edge applications of Natural Language Processing (NLP) to religious texts, including: 鈥 Analyzing faith-defining

The LINGUIST List - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 15:05
2nd Call for Papers: The 16th biennial High Desert Linguistics Society will take place from Friday, November 1st, through Sunday, November 3rd, 2024 at the University of New Mexico. The theme of the conference will be 鈥淗armony in Diversity: Innovative Approaches to Language Variation and Change鈥. We welcome submissions for in-person or virtual presentations, posters, and panels directly related to this topic, as well as work related to cognitive linguistics, functional linguistics, typology, so

The LINGUIST List - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 15:05
Applications are invited for a full 3-year Postdoc position in the research project 鈥淓 Pluribus Unum - Emergent, Convergent Paradigms鈥 (German Research Foundation), led by PIs Uta Rein枚hl, Laura Becker and Lotte Sommerer. The postdoctoral researcher will be employed at the University of Freiburg, Germany. *Project description*: The postdoctoral researcher will participate in research into convergent paradigmatization from a typological perspective. Convergent paradigms consist of grammatical fo

The LINGUIST List - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 15:05
The program of the Summer School includes 6 lectures and 4 seminars: four guest scholars, of internationally recognized expertise, together with members of our PRIN team shall deliver the lectures and direct the seminars. Why in Naples? In addition to the original Napolitan pizza and the beauty of the panorama that will leave you breathless, the Summer School offers a guided tour of the 鈥楴eapolitan Turfan鈥, namely the Archeological Park of Herculaneum along with the special visit to the Villa o

The LINGUIST List - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 14:05
Call for Papers: Articles should be sent before 10th October 2024 to the following e-mail address: conference.iiyamt@pgu.ru with a mark 芦Conference 2024禄 in the field "Subject". Registration Form is enclosed in Appendix 1. Materials for publication should be arranged according to the regulations presented in Appendix 2. Everyone attending the Conference is expected to register. Compliance is important to keep our fees affordable. Only those who register will be allowed to present papers, atte

The LINGUIST List - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 14:05
Dear Colleagues, Viewing writing as a process versus a product has been initiated many decades ago (e.g., Krapels, 1990; Zamel, 1983), as this skill is recognized as arguably one of the major components of any language curriculum. Indeed, early models of L1 and L2 writing (e.g., Flower & Hayes, 1981; Grabe & Kaplan, 1996; Kellogg, 1996) underscored the dynamic nature of composing that involves an interaction between a number of macro-processes, for example, planning, formulation, and revision.

The LINGUIST List - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 14:05
This volume investigates the ways in which Q methodology can uncover and foreground new perspectives and contribute to language education and language policy research. It demonstrates the flexibility of this research methodology in addressing dynamic and complex language issues across a variety of educational topics and geographical contexts. The chapter authors use Q methodology to explore topics such as identity, motivation, cognition, emotion, pre-service and in-service teacher beliefs and to

The LINGUIST List - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 13:05
A platform for doctoral students and early career researchers in Education and Applied Linguistics to discuss all things about academic publishing and journal peer review. This platform aims to help junior researchers excel in publishing in academic outlets. Subscribe to Substack for newsletters, podcasts, resources, one-on-one support, feedback and advice: https://scholarlypeers.substack.com/.

The LINGUIST List - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 07:05
The Department of Linguistics (http://ling.ucsd.edu/) within the School of Social Sciences at the University of California, San Diego invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the level of Assistant Professor, with an expected start date of July 1, 2025. We are looking for candidates with specializations in any of the following areas, or any combination thereof: computational linguistics (particularly large language models), language variation and change, and sociolinguistics.

The LINGUIST List - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 07:05
SoundHound AI believes every person should be able to interact naturally with the products around them鈥揵y simply talking. With a global reach spanning two dozen languages, we build Voice AI products with conversational intelligence for cars, restaurant ordering, and more, allowing our customers to extend their brand in new and meaningful ways. The Data Programs team validates language data and provides language, linguistic and phonetic input to our ASR and NLU engineering teams, directly workin

The LINGUIST List - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 06:05
This is a 6 months, part-time internship at SoundHound AI, a voice AI company. The hiring team is in charge of acquiring and validating speech and text data used for building machine learning models. The day-to-day task will be Project Coordination, so it will be somewhat distanced from hands-on linguistics work. However, it will still be directly supporting our Speech tech products. The ideal candidate should be interested in exploring future careers in the tech industry, in a team that closel

The LINGUIST List - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 06:05
Call for Papers: Bienvenidos al Congreso Internacional de Lenguas, Literatura y Traducci贸n 2025, un evento que re煤ne a expertos, acad茅micos, profesionales y entusiastas del 谩mbito ling眉铆stico, traductol贸gico y literario desde hace una d茅cada. Este a帽o, nos sumergimos en el apasionante tema 芦Retos y avances ling眉铆sticos, traductol贸gicos y literarios en la Era Digital禄, un espacio donde exploraremos c贸mo las tecnolog铆as emergentes est谩n redefiniendo el aprendizaje de idiomas, la creaci贸n literari

The LINGUIST List - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 06:05
The Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics of the University of Oxford expects to have teaching needs in the areas of Phonology and of Language Processing (understood as experimental work on human language processing) in the academic year 2024/5, and is seeking a fixed-term Departmental Lecturer to assume teaching and examining responsibilities for one year in one or both of these areas (but with some core teaching and examining in Phonology still included should the eventual successful

The LINGUIST List - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 05:05
Call for Papers: >> We invite submissions on the following topics: Core Technologies: morphological analysis, disambiguation, tokenisation, POS tagging, named entity detection, chunking, parsing, semantic role labelling, sentiment analysis, language modelling, etc. Applications: machine translation, speech recognition, speech synthesis, optical character recognition, assistive technologies, social media, etc. Resources and Tools: dictionaries, annotated data, corpora, orthography descriptions,

Conferences - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 05:05
Le programme comprendra une table ronde sur la d茅colonisation afin d鈥檕ffrir un cadre propice 脿 des 茅changes d鈥檌d茅es et d鈥檈xp茅riences entre les participant路e路s, ainsi que des interventions sur les th猫mes suivants : P茅dagogie inclusive Variation linguistique Diversit茅 des enseignements Interdisciplinarit茅 et collaboration Diversit茅 des parcours et profils des enseignant路e路s et apprenant路e路s Ce sera aussi l鈥檕ccasion pour nos groupes de travail de pr茅senter leurs activit茅s. Pour notre associa

The LINGUIST List - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 05:05
Le programme comprendra une table ronde sur la d茅colonisation afin d鈥檕ffrir un cadre propice 脿 des 茅changes d鈥檌d茅es et d鈥檈xp茅riences entre les participant路e路s, ainsi que des interventions sur les th猫mes suivants : P茅dagogie inclusive Variation linguistique Diversit茅 des enseignements Interdisciplinarit茅 et collaboration Diversit茅 des parcours et profils des enseignant路e路s et apprenant路e路s Ce sera aussi l鈥檕ccasion pour nos groupes de travail de pr茅senter leurs activit茅s. Pour notre associa

Conferences - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 05:05
For more details about the conference program and speakers, please visit the link below.

The LINGUIST List - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 05:05
For more details about the conference program and speakers, please visit the link below.


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