

Yahoo.com - Boomer managers reinventing retirement

Published: 24 March 2011

A new study finds further proof the traditional notion of retirement is changing -- thanks again to the baby boomers. So long, conventional retirement!

The generation known for its trend-setting, breaking down barriers spirit — not to mention its sheer size — is carving new paths in the workforce, even as they leave it. A new Canadian study provides further proof that baby boomers are breaking the “one size fits allâ€‌ retirement mould.

The study, led by Professor Mary Dean Lee at 69ببتسئµâ€™s Desautels Faculty of Management with colleagues from 69ببتسئµ and York University in Canada, looked at the diverse and complex ways boomer managers approach retirement. The first part of the study involved in-depth interviews with over 100 managers and executives from a variety of Canadian companies and industries.

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