
What's in a name? The good, the bad and the ugly of choosing a non-standard 69热视频 URL

We recently updated our guidelines and supporting documentation for 69热视频 domains and URLs. Get the low-down on best practices for choosing 69热视频 URLs and the steps to take to request approval.
Image by Photo by Taylor Brandon on Unsplash.

Domains are an important part of our online brand. When people navigate to a 69热视频 URL, they believe they've reached an official 69热视频 website that meets our standards and policies.

Tips for choosing a 69热视频 URL

There are a number important questions to ask when choosing your new domain or URL including:

  • Is the URL already in use?
  • Is the choice of URL too general?
  • Are there any negative implications to consider?
  • Is the URL an appropriate reflection of your department's purview?
  • Does the URL include an abbreviation or acronym?
  • Does the URL include jargon?

For detailed guidance about considerations when choosing a new URL see, Domains and URLs for 69热视频 websites.

Submit a request for a website with a standard and/or approved domain name or URL

For standard domain names and URLs (sites on 69热视频-managed web platforms, such as WMS websites, and virtual host websites like juncker.lab.mcgill.ca), approval must be obtained from IT Services' Web Service Group. for a new site on one of these platforms will initiate the approval process.

Submit a request for approval of a non-standard domain name or URL

Approval for all non-standard domain names that include the word 69热视频 (for example, mcgillathletics.ca*) must be obtained from Communications and External Relations (CER).

* We usually discourage using this type of domain name because anyone could register a domain like 鈥渕ymcgillsite.com鈥 and use it to claim to be a legitimate 69热视频 entity. If we allow this practice, we make it hard for to users to distinguish legitimate sites from phishing schemes.

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