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Oyster Festival Night

Oyster Festival

Annual Oyster Festival

Thursday, October 26th, 2023

Faculty Club Ballroom, 6:30 p.m.

The Oyster Buffet will include:

Chaudr茅e d鈥檋uitres

Oyster chowder


Salades compos茅es du Chef

Chef鈥檚 mixed salads


Popcorn d鈥檋uitres et zucchini frit, sauce tartare

Fried oyster and zucchini popcorn, tartar sauce

Vol-au-vent aux huitres et Gouda fum茅

Oyster and smoked Gouda vol-au-vent

Filet de morue flamb茅e au Cognac, sauce aux poireaux et huitres

Cod fillet flamb茅ed with Cognac, leek and oyster sauce

Riz aux fruits de mer

Seafood rice


Table sucr茅es du Chef salade de fruit frais

Chef鈥檚 Sweet Table & Fresh Fruit Salad

$ 46.50 per person plus taxes

A special alternative dish will be available upon request for non-oyster eaters.

Come and dine with us....book early not to be disappointed!

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