
Open Call for Blog Posts: “Collective emergence: re-imagining our civic and environmental futures”

This is an open call for blog posts. The CHRLP invites as wide a diversity of voices as possible to submit posts on critical questions touching on the above theme. We also welcome submissions about human rights and (or) legal pluralism more broadly.

Some reflections on the theme:

The effects of both climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic reach around the world and are blind to human-created borders. Governments and civil society are working to enact measures to slow the harsh effects of climate change – felt most intensely in the Global South despite having been caused largely by wealthy countries of the Global North. Yet, the effects of climate change persist, including more drought, rising sea levels, and exposure to storms. Meanwhile, in the years since the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, we have developed new practices for working and social gathering in the face of emergency. Both global challenges force us to confront assumptions that our civic responsibilities end at our geopolitical borders. Both also highlight our interconnectedness and encourage new possibilities for communities and collective action. It is time to come together, imagine, and pursue these pathways towards a shared future.

How to submit a post:

Authors are asked to adhere to the following standards when submitting their piece. Anything not mentioned here is at the discretion of the author.

We accept original pieces on a rolling basis, and aim for publication within 3-4 weeks from reception, provided the submission requirements are respected. Please be mindful that we are not personal editors and will not accept partially edited pieces. Only advanced drafts will be accepted.

The primary purpose of a blog post is to further a new idea, present a news development, initiate a discussion, or engage in debate. A strong piece will contain original analysis that spurs a critical reflection or starts an interesting conversation. Blog posts do not have to adhere to an academic style of argumentation and can be more casual in tone. However, to be considered for publication, a blog post must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Short, incisive and argument-driven piece, 800-1200 words
  • 12-point, Times New Roman font with 1” or 1.5” spacing
  • Change in sections with a single line
  • Short subtitles, left-aligned in bold lettering
  • In-text hyperlinks encouraged
  • Sources as supporting evidence to the author’s claims, although citations are not necessary. If included, footnote form in adherence with the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation, 9th edition is preferred.

Recommended structure:

  • Brief introduction presenting the argument and necessary context for the reader;
  • 2-3 main body paragraphs working through a logical and reasoned succession of points. Headings are encouraged;
  • Conclusion summarizing the argument and calling the reader to action.

Editing process:

We receive submissions on a rolling basis. Submissions may be accepted or rejected at the discretion of the editors. Authors may also be asked to revise and re-submit their piece. This means that the piece needs substantially more work in order to be considered for publication, but we are interested in the general ideas presented by the author and would like to read another draft. Generally, editors will return all submissions with feedback within 2 weeks.

If accepted for publication, the piece will undergo the following editing process:

First read: The blog editors require 1-2 weeks to do a first read, after which the revised piece will be returned to the author with editorial comments and recommendations. These recommendations are intended to be constructive (rather than mandatory), and a collaborative approach is invited.

Second read: The author is then asked to submit a revised draft, at which time the editors will do a second read. If the editors find the piece ready, they will proceed with publication. If further drafts are requested, the editors will be in touch with the author.

Image to accompany the post: When submitting the first or second draft, the author is asked, if possible, to send a high-resolution evocative image (to which they have the rights; reference included, please) to illustrate the piece. If no such image is available, the editors, in consultation with the author, will procure one from the public domain.

Bio and photo of the author: When submitting the first or second draft, the author is asked to send a short bio of 2-3 sentences and, if comfortable, a high-resolution portrait-style photograph for posting on the web.

Note: The editors retain the right to refuse, at any moment in the above process, to publish a piece. Considerations for the refusal will be communicated to the author.

Submissions should be emailed to human.rights [at] mcgill.ca

Past Themes

2021-2022 theme: Solidarity in an Interconnected World

2020-2021 Theme: Inclusive Citizenship and Deliberative Democracy

Under this theme, the blog published 11 posts in 2020-2021. Topics covered a wide range but also had a thread of moral outrage and disillusionment with the state and societal failure to deliver on the promise of dignity and equality for all – a commitment made 72 years ago in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Contributors discussed inclusive health care andsystemic racism, local challenges in Ethiopia, Indonesia, and also the heroic death of Joyce Echaquan. Our thanks to all who contributed.

2019-2020 Theme: “Reclaiming Universal Human Rights in a Plural Global Order: Opportunities and Challenges”

Under this theme, the blog reviewed and published 18 original pieces. Topics were both reflective and forward-thinking and ranged from calls to action on ending systemic racism to addressing violence against women journalists, the importance of artistic freedom, and the universality of traditions of human rights.

2018-2019 Theme: “The UDHR at 70; Pasts, Presents and Futures”

Under this theme, the blog reviewed and published 22 original essays from 20 different contributors, interacting with cutting-edge research on a variety of issues. Topics ranged from theories of global human rights, to corporate social responsibility, NGO responsibility for the actions of their agents, the Pittsburgh and Christchurch massacres and constitutionalism and society-state relations in the Middle-East. Leveraging the CHRLP’s extensive international networks, the blog captured rich and diverse perspectives from both young and established scholars and advocates.

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