Robert Leckey

Doyen de la Faculté de droit
Professeur titulaire
Titulaire de la Chaire Samuel Gale

Pavillon Chancellor-Day
3644, rue Peel
Salle 15
Montréal, Québec
Canada H3A 1W9

514-398-6604 [Bureau]

Dean Robert Leckey

69ÈÈÊÓÆ” Reporter (nov. 2019)
69ÈÈÊÓÆ” Reporter (Feb. 2012)
Focus Law / droit: (automne-hiver 2015)
69ÈÈÊÓÆ” Teaching Snapshot: Robert Leckey

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Robert Leckey, Ad. E., est professeur titulaire Ă  la FacultĂ© de droit, oĂč il enseigne le droit constitutionnel et le droit de la famille. Il a dirigĂ© le Centre Paul-AndrĂ© CrĂ©peau de droit privĂ© et comparĂ© entre aoĂ»t 2014 et juin 2016, aprĂšs quoi il a Ă©tĂ© nommĂ© doyen de la FacultĂ© de droit pour un mandat de cinq ans. En dĂ©cembre 2020, le Conseil des gouverneurs de 69ÈÈÊÓÆ” l'a reconduit pour un second mandat de cinq ans, Ă  compter du 1er juillet 2021.

De 2002 Ă  2003, il a Ă©tĂ© l’auxiliaire juridique du juge Michel Bastarache Ă  la Cour suprĂȘme du Canada. Boursier de la Fondation Trudeau de 2003 Ă  2006, il a obtenu un doctorat de la FacultĂ© de droit de l'UniversitĂ© de Toronto. Sa dissertation, qui lui a valu la mĂ©daille Alan Marks pour la meilleur thĂšse doctorale de 2006, a Ă©tĂ© publiĂ©e par University of Toronto Press en 2008, sous le titre Contextual Subjects: Family, State, and Relational Theory. En 2005-2006, il a travaillĂ© comme chercheur invitĂ© au Centre de recherche en Ă©thique de l’UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al (CRÉUM). Il s’est joint Ă  la FacultĂ© de droit en juillet 2006 et a Ă©tĂ© nommĂ© titulaire d'une chaire William Dawson par l'UniversitĂ© 69ÈÈÊÓÆ” en 2011. Pendant son annĂ©e sabbatique en 2012-2013, il fut un invitĂ© spĂ©cial de l’Institut d'Ă©tudes canadiennes de 69ÈÈÊÓÆ”.

Il est membre du Barreau de l’Ontario depuis 2003 et avocat du Barreau du QuĂ©bec depuis 2020. De 2017 Ă  2020, il fut conseiller en loi de ce dernier. De 2008 Ă  2011, il a prĂ©sidĂ© le 69ÈÈÊÓÆ” Equity Subcommittee on Queer People. En 2010 et 2011, il a agi comme directeur de la recherche pour la Commission d'enquĂȘte sur le processus de nominations des juges du QuĂ©bec (la Commission Bastarache). De 2011 Ă  2015, il a servi Ă  titre de prĂ©sident d’Égale Canada. De 2011 Ă  2016, il a Ă©galement prĂ©sidĂ© le ComitĂ© des affaires juridiques de cet organisme. De 2020 Ă  2022, il a prĂ©sidĂ© le Conseil des doyens et des doyennes des facultĂ©s de droit du Canada.

Robert Leckey a gagnĂ© le Prix de la Fondation du Barreau du QuĂ©bec (2007); le Prix du concours d'essai juridique de l’Association canadienne des professeur(e)s de droit (2009); le Prix John W. Durnford d’excellence en enseignement de l’Association des Ă©tudiant(e)s en droit de 69ÈÈÊÓÆ” (2009); le Prix Canada de l'AcadĂ©mie internationale de droit comparĂ© (2010); le (2010); et le Prix « Change-Maker » de la principale pour le rayonnement mĂ©diatique (2020).

En 2014, il a été élu membre de la Global Young Academy. En 2017, il a été élu membre associé de l'Académie internationale de droit comparé. En 2020, il a été élu membre du CollÚge de nouveaux chercheurs et créateurs en art et en science de la Société Royale du Canada. En 2021, il a reçu la distinction d'Avocat émérite (Ad. E.) du Barreau du Québec.

Robert Leckey a gagnĂ© le Prix de la Fondation du Barreau du QuĂ©bec (2007); le Prix du concours d'essai juridique de l’Association canadienne des professeur(e)s de droit (2009); le Prix John W. Durnford d’excellence en enseignement de l’Association des Ă©tudiant(e)s en droit de 69ÈÈÊÓÆ” (2009); le Prix Canada de l'AcadĂ©mie internationale de droit comparĂ© (2010); le (2010); le Prix « Change-Maker » de la principale pour le rayonnement mĂ©diatique (2020); et le ÌęPrix du hĂ©ros de laÌęSection de l’alliance de la diversitĂ© sexuelle et des genres (ADSG)Ìęde l’Association du Barreau canadien (2024).

En 2014, il a Ă©tĂ© Ă©lu membre de la Global Young Academy. En 2017, il a Ă©tĂ© Ă©lu membre associĂ© de l'AcadĂ©mie internationale de droit comparĂ©. En 2020, il a Ă©tĂ© Ă©lu membre du CollĂšge de nouveaux chercheurs et crĂ©ateurs en art et en science de la SociĂ©tĂ© Royale du Canada. En 2021, il a reçu la distinction d'Avocat Ă©mĂ©rite (Ad. E.) du Barreau du QuĂ©bec. En 2024, il a Ă©tĂ© admis, de façon honorifique, Ă  la SociĂ©tĂ© Scarlet Key de l’UniversitĂ© 69ÈÈÊÓÆ”.Ìę

IntĂ©rĂȘts de recherche

Robert Leckey mĂšne des recherches dans les domaines de droit constitutionnel, droit familial et droit comparĂ©. Il est directeur d’une collection intitulĂ©e (Routledge, 2015). Il vient aussi de publier un ouvrage intitulĂ©Ìę(Cambridge University Press, 2015). Ses intĂ©rĂȘts de recherches incluent la rĂ©glementation du couple et la filiation, ainsi que la relation entre les rĂ©gimes publics et privĂ©s de rĂ©glementation familiale.

Le professeur Leckey est toujours intéressé à superviser des étudiants de cycles supérieurs travaillant sur ces questions.

Parcours professionnel

  • Titulaire de la Chaire Samuel Gale, FacultĂ© de droit, UniversitĂ© 69ÈÈÊÓÆ”, 2016-
  • Doyen, FacultĂ© de droit, UniversitĂ© 69ÈÈÊÓÆ”, 2016-
  • Professeur titulaire, FacultĂ© de droit, UniversitĂ© 69ÈÈÊÓÆ”, 2015-
  • Directeur, Centre Paul-AndrĂ© CrĂ©peau de droit privĂ© et comparĂ©, aoĂ»t 2014-juin 2016
  • Titulaire d'une chaire William Dawson, 2011-2016
  • Directeur par intĂ©rim, Centre Paul-AndrĂ© CrĂ©peau de droit privĂ© et comparĂ©, juillet-dĂ©cembre 2011
  • Professeur agrĂ©gĂ©, FacultĂ© de droit, UniversitĂ© 69ÈÈÊÓÆ”, 2011-2015
  • Professeur adjoint, UniversitĂ© 69ÈÈÊÓÆ”, FacultĂ© de droit, 2006-2011
  • Chercheur invitĂ©, Centre de recherche en Ă©thique de l’UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al (CRÉUM), 2005-2006
  • Auxiliaire juridique auprĂšs du juge Michel Bastarache, Cour suprĂȘme du Canada, 2002-2003
  • Gestionnaire, Affaires publiques, Institut des fonds d'investissement du Canada (IFIC), 1997-1998


  • SJD (University of Toronto), 2003-2006
  • BCL/LLB (69ÈÈÊÓÆ”), 1998-2002
  • UniversitĂ© PanthĂ©on-Assas (Paris II), Academic Exchange (CRÉPUQ), 2001-2002
  • BA (Hons.) (Queen’s University), 1993-1997

Champs d'intĂ©rĂȘt

Droit de la famille, droit administratif, droit constitutionnel.


Forthcoming publications

“La modification de laÌęCharte des droits et libertĂ©s de la personneÌęen dĂ©bats” 65:2ÌęLes Cahiers de droitÌę[forthcoming in 2024], 35 pp (with OscarÌęBourgeois).
Related link:Ìę

“L’union de fait, la provision pour frais et l’accĂšs Ă  la justice”Ìę65:4ÌęLes Cahiers de droitÌę[forthcoming], 25 pp.
Related link:Ìę

“Family Lawyers on Cohabitation and Judge-Made Law” 74:4ÌęUniversity of Toronto Law Journal [forthcoming in 2024], 35 pp.
Related link:

"De Facto Relationships in Canada" in Jens M. Scherpe & Andy Hayward, eds., The Legal Status of De Facto Relationships (Cambridge: Intersentia) [forthcoming], 29 pp.
Related link:Ìę

Journal articles

"Cohabitation Law in Quebec: Confusing, Incoherent, and Unjust" (2022) 44:2 Houston Journal of International Law 331–65
Related link:

"Advocacy Notwithstanding the Notwithstanding Clause” (2019) 28:4 Constitutional Forum 1–7
Related link:

“Introduction” (2016) 118:2 Revue du Notariat 239–41.

“Symposium Introduction” (2016) 62:3 Loyola Law Review 613–20 (with John Lovett).

“Feminism, Institutional Roles, and Justice LeBel’s Family Law” (2015) 70 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 71–91. Reprinted in Dwight Newman & Malcolm Thorburn, eds., The Dignity of Law: The Legacy of Justice Louis LeBel (Markham, ON: LexisNexis, 2015) 71–91.
Related Link:

“Introduction: After Equality” (2015) 27:1 Canadian Journal of Women and the Law i–v (with RĂ©gine Tremblay).

“Developments in Family Law: The 2012-2013 Term” (2014) 64 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 241-66.
Related link:

“Family Law and the Charter’s First 30 Years: An Impact Delayed, Deep, and Declining but Lasting” (2013) 32:1 Canadian Family Law Quarterly 21–52 (with Nicholas Bala).

"Developments in Family Law: The 2010-2012 Terms" (2012) 59 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 193-231.
Related Link:

"Developments in Family Law: The 2008-2009 Term - Just Divisions?" (2009) 48 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 181-219.
Related Link:

"Thick Instrumentalism and Comparative Constitutionalism: The Case of Gay Rights" (2009) 40 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 425-78.
Related Document: Thick Instrumentalism and Comparative Constitutionalism: The Case of Gay Rights [.pdf]

"Chosen Discrimination" (2002) 18 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 445-75.
Related Link:

Articles in refereed journals

“Compromise on Parenting and Family Violence? Reforms to Canada’s Divorce Act” (2024) 32:1ÌęFeminist Legal StudiesÌę3–24.
Related link:Ìę

“L’invisibilitĂ© persistante des parents de mĂȘme sexe en droit familial quĂ©bĂ©cois” (2023) 52:3ÌęRevue de droit de l’UniversitĂ© de SherbrookeÌę657–84

"Regards croisĂ©s sur l’union de fait en droit quĂ©bĂ©cois" (2023) 64:1ÌęLes Cahiers de droitÌę217–42.
Related link:Ìę

“Differences in a Minor Archive: Feminist Activists and Scholars on Cohabitation” (2022) 70:2ÌęAmerican Journal of Comparative LawÌę364-398.
Related link:Ìę

“Indigenous Parents and Child Welfare: Mistrust, Epistemic Injustice, and Training” (2022) 31:4 Social & Legal Studies 559-79 (with Raphael Schmieder-Gropen, Chukwubuikem Nnebe & Miriam Clouthier).
Related link:

“Child Welfare, Indigenous Parents, and Judicial Mediation” (2022) 49:1 Journal of Law and Society 151–69.Ìę
Related link:

“The Notwithstanding Clause: Legislatures, Courts, and the Electorate” (2022) 72:2 University of Toronto Law Journal 189–215 (with Eric Mendelsohn).
Related link:

“‘Repugnant’: Homosexuality and Criminal Family Law” (2020) 70:3 University of Toronto Law Journal 225–44.
Related link:

“Assisted Dying, Suspended Declarations, and Dialogue’s Time” (2019) 69:Supp University of Toronto Law Journal 64–83.
Related link:

“One Parent, Three Parents: Judges and Ontario’s All Families Are Equal Act, 2016” (2019) 33:3 International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 298–315.
Related link:

“Cohabitation, Female Sacrifice, and Judge-Made Law” (2019) 41:1 Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 72–91.
Related link:

“L’enrichissement injustifiĂ©, l’union de fait et l’emprunt Ă  la common law dans le droit mixte du QuĂ©bec” (2018) 59:3 Les Cahiers de droit 585–615.
Related link:

“L’adoption coutumiĂšre autochtone en droit civil quĂ©bĂ©cois” (2018) 59:4 Les Cahiers de droit 973–96.
Related link:

“Judging in Marriage’s Shadow” (2018) 26:1 Feminist Legal Studies 25–45.
Related link:

“Les liens de l’adoptĂ©â€ [2017] 4 Revue internationale de droit comparĂ© 847–61.
Related link:

“Cohabitation, Law Reform, and the Litigants” (2017) 31:2 International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 131–46.
Related link:

“Review of Comparative Law” (2017) 26:1 Social & Legal Studies 3–24.

“Realizing Rights Here and Now” Australian Journal of Human Rights (2016) 22:2 Australian Journal of Human Rights 61–80.
Related link:

“Cohabitation’s Boundaries and the Confines of Tradition” (2016) 25:5 Social & Legal Studies 525–43 (with Yann Favier).
Related link:

“The Harms of Remedial Discretion” (2016) 14:3 International Journal of Constitutional Law 584–607.
Related link:

“Identity, Law, and the Right to a Dream?” (2015) 38:2 Dalhousie Law Journal 525–47.
Related Link:

“Enforcing Laws That Infringe Rights” [2016] Public Law, 206-14.
Related link:

“Remedial Practice beyond Constitutional Text” (2016) 64:1 American Journal of Comparative Law 1–35.
Related link:

“Strange Bedfellows” (2014) 64:5 University of Toronto Law Journal 641–68.
Related link:

« ‘Infiniment plus de choses dans la vie que dans la loi’: La reconnaissance des mĂšres lesbiennesÌę» (2014) 86 Droit et SociĂ©tĂ© 115–32.
Related Link: .

“Must Equal Mean Identical? Same-sex Couples and Marriage” (2014) 10:1 International Journal of Law in Context 5-25.
Related Link: .

“Face to Face” (2013) 19 Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, 743-58.
Related Link:

“Marriage and the Data on Same-Sex Couples” (2013) 35:2 Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 179–91.
Related link:

"Two Mothers in Law and Fact" (2013) 21:1 Feminist Legal Studies 1–19.
Related Link:

“Bankruptcy, Provincial Law, and the Family Farm” 91 (2012) 91:2ÌęCanadian Bar Review 435–53.
Related Link: .

“Les trente premiĂšres annĂ©es de la Charte canadienne en droit de la famille” (2012) 42:3 Revue de droit de l’UniversitĂ© de Sherbrooke 409–57 (with Nicholas Bala).
Related link:

“Unjust Enrichment and De facto Spouses” (2012) 114:3 Revue du Notariat 475–500.
Related link:

"Gimme Shelter" (2011) 34 Dalhousie Law Journal 197-228.
Related Link:

"Law Reform, Lesbian Parenting, and the Reflective Claim" (2011) 20 Social & Legal Studies 331-48.
Related link:

"Lesbian Parental Projects in Word and Deed" (2011) 45 Revue Juridique Thémis 315-41.
Related Link:

"The Practices of Lesbian Mothers and Quebec’s Reforms" (2011) 23 Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 579-99.
Related Link:

"But What Is Judicial Guidance? Debating Canadian Judgments on Children" (2010) 32 Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 381-90.
Related Link:

"Complexifying Roncarelli’s Rule of Law" (2010) 55 69ÈÈÊÓÆ” Law Journal 721-41.
Related Link:

"Rhapsodie sur la forme et le fond de l’harmonisation juridique" (2010) 51 Les Cahiers de Droit 3-49.
Related Link:

"A Common Law of the Family? Reflections on Rick v. Brandsema" (2009) 25 Canadian Journal of Family Law 257-96.
Related Link:

"‘Where the Parents Are of the Same Sex’: Quebec’s Reforms to Filiation" (2009) 23 International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 62-82.
Related Document: Where the Parents Are of the Same Sex: Quebec’s Reforms to Filiation [.pdf]

"Cohabitation and Comparative Method" (2009) 72 Modern Law Review 48-72.
Related Document: Cohabitation and Comparative Method [.pdf]

"Family outside the Book on the Family" (2009) 88 Canadian Bar Review 545-78.
Related Link:

"Contracting Claims and Family Law Feuds" (2007) 57 University of Toronto Law Journal 1-41.

"Family Law as Fundamental Private Law" (2007) 86 Canadian Bar Review 69-96.
Related Document:Ìę Family Law as Fundamental Private Law [.pdf]

"Prescribed by Law/Une rĂšgle de droit" (2007) 45 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 571-620.
Related Document: Prescribed by Law / Une rĂšgle de droit [.pdf]

"Private Law as Constitutional Context for Same-Sex Marriage" (2007) 2 Journal of Comparative Law 172-91.
Related Document: Private Law as Constitutional Context for Same-sex Marriage [.pdf]

"Profane Matrimony" (2006) 21(2) Canadian Journal of Law & Society 1-23.
Related Document: Profane_Matrimony [.pdf]

"Embodied Dignity" (2005) 5 Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal 63-83.
Related Document: Embodied Dignity [.pdf]

"Employing Fairness" (2003) 18:2 Canadian Journal of Law and Society 45-67.
Related Document: Employing Fairness [.pdf]

"Harmonizing Family Law’s Identities" (2002) 28 Queen’s Law Journal 221-77.
Related Document: Harmonizing Family Law's Identities [.pdf]

"Relational Contract and Other Models of Marriage" (2002) 40 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 1-47.
Related Document: Relational Contract and Other Models of Marriage [.pdf]

"Taking Stock: Securities Regulation and the Division of Powers" (1999) 22(2) Dalhousie Law Journal 250-91 (with Eric Ward).
Related Link:

Articles in technical/professional publications

“L’union parentale, une rĂ©forme trop timide,” IRPP Policy Options (15 April 2024).
Related link:

“A Timid Reform for Parental Unions,” IRPP Policy Options (15 April 2024).
Related link:

“L’union parentale, une rĂ©forme trop timide,”ÌęIRPP Policy OptionsÌę(15 April 2024).
Related link:Ìę

“A Timid Reform for Parental Unions,”ÌęIRPP Policy OptionsÌę(15 April 2024).Related link:Ìę

“The Fundamental Rights of Trans and Nonbinary Minors in Schools: Challenges in Canada,” Oxford Human Rights Hub (18 March 2024) (with Florence Ashley and Samuel Singer).
Related link:Ìę

“Les conjoints de fait devraient aussi ĂȘtre protĂ©gĂ©s : Le QuĂ©bec et l’Ontario devraient appliquer le mĂȘme partage des biens aux Ă©poux et aux conjoints de fait,” IRPP Policy Options (18 September 2023).
Related link :

“Robust Public Debate Needed on Use of Notwithstanding Clause,” IRPP Policy Options (18 November 2022).
Related link:

“Le recours Ă  la disposition de dĂ©rogation doit faire l’objet d’un solide dĂ©bat public,” IRPP Policy Options (18 November 2022).
Related link:

“Bill 96: An Attack on Justice and Fundamental Rights,” IRPP Policy Options (20 May 2022).
Related link:

“Loi 96: une atteinte à la justice et aux droits fondamentaux,” IRPP Policy Options (20 May 2022).
Related link:

"Transfer Authority of Child Welfare to Indigenous Communities," IRPP Policy Options (20 April 2022).
Related link:

“Quebec Could Face Compensation Claims for Bill 21 Harms,” IRPP Policy Options (10 October 2019).
Related link (English):
Related link (en français):

“The Faulty Received Wisdom around the Notwithstanding Clause,” IRPP Policy Options (10 May 2019).
Related link:
Related link (en français):

“Political Factors in Judicial Appointments,” Policy Options (1 October 2015).
Related link: .

“Suspended Declarations of Invalidity and and the Rule of Law,” U.K. Const. L. Blog (12 March 2014)
Related link: .

"Sameness and Change Respecting Unmarried Couples," STEP Inside: Newsletter of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (Canada) (May 2013, 5–6).
Related Document: Sameness and Change Respecting Unmarried Couples [.pdf]

"The Charter & Family Law: The First 30 Years" Special NJI Family Law e-Letter 208A (17 April 2012) (National Judicial Institute) (with Nicholas Bala).

"Le droit familial au QuĂ©bec: une rĂ©flexion s’impose",ÌęBulletin de liaison: FĂ©dĂ©ration des associations de familles monoparentales et recomposĂ©es du QuĂ©becÌę34(2), 4-5 (October 2009).

"Lawmakers Should Create Intermediate Parenting Category" (2007) The Lawyers Weekly 9 November 2007
Related Document: Lawmakers Should Create Intermediate Parenting Category [.pdf]

"A Matter of Distributing Public Goods Equally" 23:19 The Lawyers Weekly (19 September 2003).

Books and monographs

(Montreal: Yvon Blais, 2017) (original collection edited with Anne-Sophie Hulin), 131 pp.

La responsabilitĂ© de la doctrine, guest-edited special issue marking the 40th anniversary of the Paul-AndrĂ© CrĂ©peau Centre for Private and Comparative Law, (2016) 118:2 La Revue du Notariat, pp. 239–358 (four peer-reviewed papers plus editor’s introduction).

(London: Routledge, 2017) (edited volume) 492 pp.

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015), 256 pp.

Les apparences en droit civil (Cowansville, QC: Yvon Blais, 2015) (original collection edited with Anne-Sophie Hulin and Lionel Smith), 221 pp.

After Equality, guest-edited special issue, (2015) 27:1 Canadian Journal of Women and the Law, 172 pp. (6 peer-reviewed papers plus editor’s introduction).

(Abingdon: Routledge, 2015) (edited collection).

Queer Theory: Law, Culture, Empire (Abingdon: Routledge, 2010) (ed. by Robert Leckey and Kim Brooks), 222 pp.

Contextual Subjects: Family, State, and Relational Theory (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008), 355 pp.

Articles/chapters in books and monographs

“Legislative Choices in Using Section 33 and Judicial Scrutiny” in Peter L Biro, ed,ÌęThe Notwithstanding Clause and the Canadian Charter: Rights, Reforms, and ControversiesÌę(Montreal & Kingston: 69ÈÈÊÓÆ”-Queen's University Press, 2024) 111–31.

“Religion and Same-Sex Marriage” in Safa Ben Saad, David Koussens & Benjamin Prud’homme, eds., La religion en droit de la famille: Le religieux comme variable de prise de dĂ©cision dans un droit familial laĂŻcisĂ© (Montreal: ThĂ©mis, 2020) 11–26.
Related link:

“Cohabitants, Choice, and the Public Interest” in Elizabeth Brake & Lucinda Ferguson, eds., Philosophical Foundations of Children’s and Family Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018), 115–33.
Related link:

“Marriage and the Data on Same-sex Couples” in Susan Millns & Simone Wong, eds., Wealth and Poverty in Close Personal Relationships: Money Matters (London: Routledge, 2017) 101–17.
Related link:

“Marriage, Family, and Federal Concerns” in Peter Oliver, Patrick Macklem & Nathalie Des Rosiers, eds., The Oxford Handbook of the Canadian Constitution (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017) 575–94 (with Carol Rogerson).
Related link:

“Les droits de la personne et le litige en protection de l’enfance” in Karine Poitras, Claire Baudry & Dominique Goubau, eds., L’enfant et le litige en matiĂšre de protection: psychologie et droit (QuĂ©bec: Presses de l’UniversitĂ© du QuĂ©bec, 2016) 185–209 (with Nicholas Bala).
Related link:

“Shifting Scrutiny: Private Ordering in Family Matters in Common-Law Canada” in Frederik Swennen, ed., Contractualisation of Family Law – Global Perspectives (Dordrecht: Springer, 2015) 93–112.
Related link:

“Introduction: After Legal Equality” in Robert Leckey, ed., After Legal Equality: Family, Sex, Kinship (Abingdon: Routledge, 2015) 1–21.
Related link:

“Introduction” in Robert Leckey & Kim Brooks, eds., Queer Theory: Law, Culture, Empire (Abingdon: Routledge, 2010) 1-18 (with Kim Brooks).
Related link:

"What Is Left of Pelech?" in Jamie Cameron, ed., Reflections on the Legacy of Justice Bertha Wilson (Markham: LexisNexis Canada, 2008) 103-29; also published as (2008) 41 Supreme Court L.R. (2d) 103-29.
Related Document: What Is Left of Pelech? [.pdf]

"Legislation and Bilingualism" in Michel Bastarache, ed., Language Rights in Canada, 2d ed. (Cowansville, Qc.: Yvon Blais, 2004) 37-139 (1st ed. by A. Braën).

"The Private Law of Language" in Bastarache, ibid., 453-525 (1st ed. by E. Didier).

French translations published in Michel Bastarache, ed., Les droits linguistiques au Canada, 2d ed. (Cowansville, Qc.: Yvon Blais, 2004).


Review: Nausica Palazzo,ÌęLegal Recognition of Non-Conjugal Families: New Frontiers in Family Law in the US, Canada and EuropeÌę(Oxford: Hart, 2021)Ìę(2021) 35:1ÌęInternational Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, ebab038.ÌęRelated link:Ìę

Review: Alice Margaria,ÌęThe Construction of Fatherhood: The Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human RightsÌę(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019)Ìę(2021) 30:5ÌęSocial & Legal StudiesÌę810–13.ÌęRelated link:Ìę

Review: Samir Shaheen-Hussain, Fighting for a Hand to Hold: Confronting Medical Colonialism against Indigenous Children in Canada (Montreal & Kingston: 69ÈÈÊÓÆ”-Queen’s University Press, 2020) (2021) 36:1 Canadian Journal of Law and Society 183–4.
Related link:

Review: Libby Adler, Gay Priori, A Queer Critical Legal Studies Approach to Law Reform (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2018) (2020) 23:4 Sexualities 683–4.
Related link:

Review: Patrice Corriveau, Judging Homosexuals: A History of Gay Persecution in Quebec and France, trans. by KĂ€the Roth (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2011) (2012) 50 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 275–82.

Review: Fiona Kelly, Transforming Law’s Family: The Legal Recognition of Planned Lesbian Motherhood (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2011) (2012) 24 Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 482–488

Review: Sara Ahmed, The Promise of Happiness (Durham: Duke University Press, 2010) (2012) 24 Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 240–56 (with Margaret Denike, Elaine Craig, Kira Tomsons, and Kim Brooks).

Review: Richard Collier, Men, Law and Gender: Essays on the ‘Man’ of Law (Abingdon: Routledge-Cavendish, 2010); Richard Collier and Sally Sheldon, Fragmenting Fatherhood: A Socio-Legal Study (Oxford: Hart, 2008) (2011) 20 Social & Legal Studies 123–6.

Review article: “Language and Judgment’s Reach: Reflecting on Limits on Rights” (Luc B. Tremblay & GrĂ©goire C.N. Webber, eds., The Limitation of Charter Rights: Critical Essays on R. v. Oakes (Montreal: ThĂ©mis, 2009)) (2010) 60 University of Toronto Law Journal 1031-44.
Related Link:

Review: Maurice Tancelin, Des obligations en droit mixte du Québec, 7th ed. (Montreal: Wilson & Lafleur, 2009), [2009] Uniform Law Review 1061-6.
Related Document:ÌęReview_of Maurice Tancelin Book [.pdf]

Review article: "Territoriality in Canadian Administrative Law" (2004) 54 University of Toronto Law Journal 327-64.
Related Document: Territoriality in Canadian Administrative Law [.pdf]

Conference proceedings

“Mixed Method, Controversy, and Abiding Influence” in Richard Janda, Rosalie Jukier & Daniel Jutras, eds., The Unbounded Level of the Mind: Rod Macdonald’s Legal Imagination (Montreal & Kingston: 69ÈÈÊÓƔ–Queen’s University Press, 2015) 41–6.

“Le passĂ© de l’adoptĂ© aux frontiĂšres du droit” in Institut canadien d’études juridiques supĂ©rieures, ed., Droits de la personne: La circulation des idĂ©es, des personnes et des biens et capitauxÌę(Cowansville: Yvon Blais, 2013) 487–504.

"Particular Justice: Michel Bastarache and Family Law" in Nicolas Lambert, ed., À l'avant-garde de la dualitĂ©: MĂ©langes en l'honneur de Michel Bastarache/At the Forefront of Duality: Essays in Honour of Michel Bastarache (Cowansville: Yvon Blais, 2011) 117-41.
Related Link:

"Filiation and the Translation of Legal Concepts" in Eleanor Cashin Ritaine, ed., Legal Engineering and Comparative Law, vol. 2 (Geneva: Schulthess, 2009) 123-41.
Related Link:

"Harmoniser le droit dans un espace multilingue et pluri-juridique: un point de vue canadien" [2008] Uniform Law Review 39-58.
Related Link:

"Following Same-Sex Marriage: Redefining Marriage and the Impact for Polygamy" (2007) 2(1) Les ateliers de l’éthique: la revue du CRÉUM 30-35.
Related Document: Following Same-Sex Marriage: Redefining Marriage and the Impact for Polygamy [.pdf]

"Language Regulation in New Brunswick’s Private Sector" (2006) 32 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 85.

Research reports

Economic Practices and Social and Legal Representations of Life Together: Portrait of Ontario (Montreal: INRS – Urbanisation Culture SociĂ©tĂ©, 2023) (with HĂ©lĂšne Belleau, Carmen LavallĂ©e & Maude Pugliese), 106 pp.
Related link:

“Introduction aux rapports d’experts” in Commission d’enquĂȘte sur le processus de nomination des juges du QuĂ©bec, Annexes (QuĂ©bec: Publications du QuĂ©bec, 2011) 101–12.

"Families in the Eyes of the Law: Contemporary Challenges and the Grip of the Past." 2009. IRPP Choices 15 (8), 44 pp. (refereed policy paper).
Related Link on irpp.org site: [.pdf]

Media articles

“Comment la loi 21 adoptĂ©e sous le bĂąillon a modifiĂ© la Charte quĂ©bĂ©coise,”ÌęLa Presse+ (14 June 2024, Dialogue, screen 6) (withÌęOscar Bourgeois).
Related link:Ìę

“Droit familial: Une rĂ©forme dĂ©jĂ  dĂ©passĂ©e?,”ÌęLa Presse+Ìę(29 March 2024, Dialogue, screen 8).
Related link:ÌęÌę

“S’en prendre aux personnes trans comme stratĂ©gie politique,” La Presse+ (9 February 2024, Dialogue, screen 4).
Related link:

“Rendre la protection de l’enfance aux communautĂ©s autochtones,” La Presse+ (14 February 2024, Dialogue, screen 6).
Related link:

“Hastily Drafted Pronoun Policies Ignore the Nuances of Family and Child Protection Laws,” Op-ed,ÌęThe Globe and MailÌę(5 October 2023) (with Samuel Singer and Florence Ashley).
Related link:ÌęPDF iconÌęLeckey, Singer & Ashley, Globe and Mail Opinion, 5 October 2023

“What Role Will the Courts Play in Quebec's French-Language Law?,” CTV News (12 June 2022).
Related link:

“Projet de loi 96: DĂ©fis d’interprĂ©tation et le rĂŽle des tribunaux,” La Presse+ (11 June 2022, DĂ©bats, screen 12).
Related link:

“Gare à la politisation indue de la nomination des juges,” Op-ed, Le Devoir (26 April 2022, A7).
Related link:

"Bilan de la derniÚre année universitaire: Il y a toujours une place pour des campus vibrants," Op-ed, La Presse+ (21 April 2022, Débats, screen 8).
Related link:Ìę

“Le projet de loi 2 nĂ©gligerait certaines situations parentales,” Op-ed, Le Devoir (13 November 2021, B10).
Related link: IcÎne PDF Le projet de loi 2 négligerait certaines situations parentales

“Affaire Ward et Gabriel. Quel espoir pour la dĂ©fense de la dignitĂ©?,” Op-ed, La Presse+ (6 November 2021, DĂ©bats, screen 11) (with Pierre-Gabriel Jobin).
Related link: IcÎne PDF Affaire Ward et Gabriel. Quel espoir pour la défense de la dignité?

“,” Op-ed, CTV News (27 August 2021).

“,” Op-ed, La Presse+ (27 August 2021, DĂ©bats, screen 8).

“,” Op-ed, The [Toronto] Star (11 June 2021, A15).

“Droits des personnes trans et non binaires: QuĂ©bec a l’occasion de faire amende honorable,” Op-ed, La Presse+ (5 February 2021, DĂ©bats, screen 8).
Related link: PDF icon Droits des personnes trans et non binaires: QuĂ©bec a l’occasion de faire amende honorable

“Loi sur la laĂŻcitĂ© de l'État. L’indĂ©pendance de la magistrature,” Op-ed, La Presse+ (6 December 2019, DĂ©bats, screen 7).
Related link: IcĂŽne PDF Loi sur la laĂŻcitĂ© de l'État. L’indĂ©pendance de la magistrature

“Quebec Could Face Compensation Claims for Bill 21 Harms,” IRPP Policy Options (10 October 2019).
Related link (English):
Related link (en français):

“Amid Bill 21, The Dreams of Quebec’s Openly Religious Law School Students Hang in the Balance,” Op-ed, National Observer (3 September 2019).
Related document: Icîne PDF Amid Bill 21, The Dreams of Quebec’s Openly Religious Law School Students Hang in the Balance

“Avoir ou ne pas avoir trois parents,” Op-ed, Le Devoir (27 August 2019, A6).
Related document: PDF icon 2019-august-leckey-avoir_ou_ne_pas_avoir_trois_parents-le_devoir.pdf

“The Faulty Received Wisdom around the Notwithstanding Clause,” IRPP Policy Options (10 May 2019).
Related link:
Related link (en français):

“Loi sur la laĂŻcitĂ©: un bien pauvre projet de sociĂ©tĂ©,” Op-ed, La Presse+ (26 March 2019, DĂ©bats, screen 5).
Related document: IcÎne PDF Loi sur la laïcité: un bien pauvre projet de société

“Un gouvernement de sondeurs ou de leaders,” Op-ed, La Presse+ (4 April 2019, DĂ©bats, screen 6).
Related document: IcĂŽne PDF Un gouvernement de sondeurs ou de leaders

“Quebec’s Religious Symbols Ban Is Striking Not for Its Novelty, But for Its Unfortunate Familiarity,” Op-ed, CBC (5 April 2019).
Related document: Icîne PDF Quebec’s Religious Symbols Ban Is Striking Not for Its Novelty, But for Its Unfortunate Familiarity

“Fifteen Years after Equal Marriage, and Much Work to Be Done,” Op-ed, The Globe and Mail (12 June 2018, A15).
Related link:

“SystĂšme de justice: l’heure du ‘buffet ouvert’ est rĂ©volue,” Op-ed, La Presse+ (23 April 2018, DĂ©bats, screen 7).
Related document: IcĂŽne PDF SystĂšme de justice: l’heure du ‘buffet ouvert’ est rĂ©volue

“Projet de loi sur la neutralitĂ© religieuse de l’État: des retombĂ©es qui risquent d’ĂȘtre minces,” Op-ed, La Presse+(18 October 2017, DĂ©bats, screen 6).
Related document: IcĂŽne PDF Projet de loi sur la neutralitĂ© religieuse de l’État: des retombĂ©es qui risquent d’ĂȘtre minces

"Teaching 69ÈÈÊÓÆ” law students about indigenous legal traditions," The Montreal Gazette (5 January 5, 2017)
Related document: IcĂŽne PDF Teaching 69ÈÈÊÓÆ” law students about indigenous legal traditions

“Les commissions d’enquĂȘte en cinq actes,” Op-ed, La Presse+ (22 December 2016, DĂ©bats, screen 2).
Related document: IcĂŽne PDF Les commissions d’enquĂȘte en cinq actes

“Picking a Judge Is a Subjective and Political Choice,” Op-ed, The Globe and Mail (18 October 2016, A11).
Related document: IcĂŽne PDF Picking a Judge Is a Subjective and Political Choice

“QuĂ©bec doit agir rapidement: L’intĂ©rĂȘt des enfants nĂ©s de mĂšres porteuses exige que le gouvernement se penche sur cette question,” Op-ed, La Presse+ (26 January 2016, DĂ©bats, screen 4).
Related document:ÌęPDF icon QuĂ©bec doit agir rapidement

“There’s No Room for Delay When Charter Rights Are Being Violated,” Op-ed, The Globe and Mail (12 January 2016, A12).
Related document: PDF icon There’s No Room for Delay When Charter Rights Are Being Violated

“One More Hurdle for Transgender Youth,” Op-ed, The Gazette (9 September 2015, A23) (with Kimberley Manning).
Related document:Ìę One More Hurdle for Transgender Youth

“Julie Snyder face Ă  l’incohĂ©rence des lois,” Op-ed, Le Devoir (6 July 2015, A7).
Related document: Julie Snyder face Ă  l’incohĂ©rence des lois

“Les nouvelles sources de la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© familiale,” Op-ed, La Presse (2 July 2015, A15).
Related document: Les nouvelles sources de la vulnérabilité familiale

“Gay Marriage Another Step on the U.S. Road to Social Justice,” Op-ed, The Globe and Mail (26 June 2015).
Related document: Gay Marriage Another Step on the U.S. Road to Social Justice

“Ottawa Must Now Draft an Assisted-Suicide Law. It Should Look to Quebec,” Op-ed, The Globe and Mail (6 February 2015).
Related document: IcĂŽne PDF Ottawa Must Now Draft an Assisted-Suicide Law. It Should Look to Quebec

"Canada's misguided approach to HIV," Op-ed, The Toronto Star (30 November 2014)
Related document: IcĂŽne PDF Canada's misguided approach to HIV

“DĂ©nonciations: Quelques distinctions s’imposent,” Op-ed, La Presse (12 November 2014, A20).
Related document:Ìę IcĂŽne PDF DĂ©nonciations: quelques distinctions s'imposent [.pdf]

“Assisted Suicide: Parliament’s Delinquency,” Op-ed, The Globe and Mail (16 October 2014, A11).
Related document: Icîne PDF Assisted Suicide: Parliament’s Delinquency [.pdf]

“Ottawa Must View Sex Work through a Bigger Lens,” Op-ed, The Globe and Mail (9 September 2014).
Related document: Ottawa Must View Sex Work through a Bigger Lens [.pdf]

“Soyons fidùles à nos droits et valeurs,” Op-ed, La Presse (12 June 2014, A26).
Related document: Soyons fidĂšles Ă  nos droits et valeurs [.pdf]

“InfertilitĂ© et assurance ‘maladie’?”, Ă©ditorial, Le Soleil (3 May 2014, 34).
Related document: InfertilitĂ© et assurance ‘maladie’? [.pdf]

“Has the Supreme Court Made Harper an Accidental Reformer?,” Op-ed, The Globe and Mail (25 April 2014).
Related document: Has the Supreme Court Made Harper an Accidental Reformer? [.pdf]

“À votre tour de vous faire entendre”, Ă©ditorial, La Presse (16 April 2014, A17).
Related document: À votre tour de vous faire entendre [.pdf]

“The Essential Question Raised by Bill 60,” Op-ed, The Gazette (7 February 2014, A17).
Related document: ÌęThe Essential Question Raised by Bill 60 [.pdf]

“La vraie question,” Op-ed, La Presse (29 January 2014, A16).
Related document: La vraie question [.pdf]

“Gay Rights: Battle is far from won,” Op-ed, The Globe and Mail (13 December 2013, A15).
Related document:ÌęGay Rights: Battle is far from won [.pdf]

“Une rĂ©forme prĂ©maturĂ©e,” Op-ed, La Presse (9 December 2013, A23).
Related document: Une réforme prématurée [.pdf]

"Quebec should be as tolerant of religious diversity as it has been of sexual orientation." Op-ed, The Gazette (19 September 2013, A19) with Prof. Robert Wintemute, KCL.
Related Document: Quebec should be as tolerant of religious diversity as it has been of sexual orientation [.pdf]

“A Decade of Same-Sex Marriage in Ontario,” Op-ed, Ottawa Citizen (10 June 2013, A9).
Related Document: A Decade of Same-Sex Marriage in Ontario [.pdf]

“After a Decade of Same-sex Marriage, Issues Remain,” Op-ed, The Gazette (10 April 2013, A19).
Related Document:ÌęAfter a Decade of Same-sex Marriage, Issues Remain [.pdf]

“Message to Ottawa: Gay Marriage Is Settled, Right?,” Op-ed, The Globe and Mail (14 January 2013, A11).
Related Document: Message to Ottawa: Gay Marriage Is Settled, Right? [.pdf]

“Gare Ă  l’inflation lĂ©gislative,” Op-ed, La Presse (25 October 2012, A27).
Related Document: Gare Ă  l’inflation lĂ©gislative [.pdf]

"HIV Sex Ruling: What Criminal Law Shouldn’t Be Saying", Op-ed, The Gazette (11 October 2012, A17).
Related Document:Ìę HIV Sex Ruling: What Criminal Law Shouldn't be Saying [.pdf]

"It Takes More Than a Verdict to Win Equality", Op-ed, The Globe and Mail (13 January 2012).
Related Document: It Takes More Than a Verdict to Win EqualityÌę[.pdf]

"Cohabitants’ Battles Raises Hurdles for Charter Claims", Op-ed, The Lawyers Weekly (28 May 2010, 14, 16).
Related Document: Cohabitants’ Battles Raises Hurdles for Charter Claims [.pdf]

"Le projet de loi 94 risque d'enfreindre la liberté de religion", Op-ed, Cyberpresse (15 April 2010).
Related Document: Le projet de loi 94 risque d'enfreindre la liberté de religion [.pdf]

"L'union de fait: un droit dépassé", Op-ed, La Presse (4 November 2010, A27).
Related Document: L'union de fait: un droit dépassé [.pdf]

"Parentage Is about More Than DNA", Op-ed, The Globe and Mail (28 October 2010, A21).
Related Document: Parentage Is about More Than DNA [.pdf]

"Unmarried-Couples Law Hasn’t Kept up with the Times: Quebec Must Review the Rules in Light of Current Marriage Realities”, Op-ed, The Gazette (5 November 2010).
Related Document: Unmarried-couples law hasn't kept up with the times [.pdf]

“Être pùre, n’est-ce qu’une question de gùnes?”, Op-ed, Le Soleil (15 July 2009).
Related Document: Être pùre, n’est-ce qu’une question de gùnes? [.pdf]

"Adoptive Parents Aren't Second Best", Op-ed, The Globe and Mail (9 October 2009, A17).
Related Document: Adoptive Parents Aren't Second Best [.pdf]

"Être pùre, une question de gùnes?," Op-ed, Le Devoir (17 July 2009, A9).

"Fatherhood Is Determined by More Than Just DNA", Op-ed, The Gazette (10 July 2009, A17).
Related Document: Fatherhood is determined by more than just DNA [.pdf]

"Legal Fatherhood Must Be Determined by More than DNA", Op-ed, The Vancouver Sun (4 August 2009, A9).

"Legal Strangers", Op-ed, National Post (11 February 2009, A13).
Related Document:ÌęLegal Strangers [.pdf]

"Too Many Unmarried Couples Are Ignorant of the Law", Op-ed, The Gazette (18 July 2009, B7).
Related Document: Too Many Unmarried Couples Are Ignorant of the Law [.pdf]

"Une réforme qui sape le sens de l'adoption", Op-ed, Le Devoir (22 October 2009, A9).
Related Document:ÌęUne reforme_qui sape le sens de l'adoption [.pdf]

"Lest We Forget", Letter to the Editor, The Globe and Mail (13 June 2008, A14).

"The World Needs More Canada", Letter to the Editor, The Globe and Mail (13 August 2008, A12).

"Cuts Like a Knife," Letter to the Editor, The Globe and Mail (2 October 2006, A14).

"The PM Is Not Championing a Tradition of Marriage," Op-ed, The Globe and Mail (5 October 2006, A19).
Related Document: The PM Is Not Championing a Tradition of Marriage [.pdf]

"The Marriage Debate," Letter to the Editor, The Globe and Mail (20 June 2003).

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