
Funding in Medical Education

Grant Agency Type of Grant Funding Range
1. Small


Field-initiated proposals

2. N/A <$150K for two years
3. Project grant 50k to 200k for 1-3 years
4. Multiple types <$10K/year to $2.5 million
5. Multiple types Wide range
6. No upper limit. Average is $121,160 - $138,850 for up to three yrs.
7. Various Opportunities Wide range
8. Training awards

Career awards

Exchange programs
Daily living allowance & transportation
9. Various N/A
10. (CPSI) Various >$50K/year
11. (JSMF) - 21st Century Science Initiative

Understanding Human Cognition

Studying Complex Systems

>$200,000 for no less than 2 years and up to 5 years
12. Lilly Canada Grant No dollar amount posted
13. Multi-year grant, Fund for research in clinical assessment $37.5K over two yrs
14. Med Ed research


Robert Maudsley Fellowship for Studies in Medical Education

Fac Dev grants (link on RCPSC website currently down)

$5K to 50K/yr

Up to $25K

40K per year of study up to 2 years

Not available

15. Incentive Awards Up to $10K US/award
16. AMS Project Grant Up to $10K for one yr for both grants

Janus Research Grants and the D. M. Robb Community-Based Research Grant

18. (CAEP) CAEP Research Grant Competition $5K - $10K
19. (APGO) Various Awards up to $25K
20. APSF Grant Program $150,000 per project over a max of 2 years


You may also find the (COS) useful in searching for other funding opportunities. (Search by key word)

A few pointers on how to use the Community of Science Granting Agency Database:

1) Use quotation marks for terms that contain more than one word.
2) Hits are organized from most to least relevant according to your search term(s).
3) On the pages listing search results, place your cursor over the name of the grant to see a pop-up containing a description of the grant and the URL.
4) The Advanced Search option (available from the main search page) is also easy to use. A benefit is that you identify country of residence which is used to filter hits. Alternatively, you can just make "Canada" one of your search terms.

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