
Publications: 1995-1997

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Publications: 1997

Pollak M.?The potential role of somatostatin analogues in breast cancer treatment.?Yale J Biol Med?70: 535-9, 1997.


Huynh H, Beamer W,?Pollak M.?Overexpression of IGFBP-4 by MCF-7 breast cancer cells is associated with reduced responsiveness to IGFs in vitro and reduced tumor growth in vivo.?Int J Oncol?11: 193-7, 1997.

Foulkes W, Wong N, Brunet J, Begin L, Zhang J, Martinez J, Rozen F, Tonin P, Narod S, Karp S,?Pollak M.?Germ line BRCA1 mutation is an adverse prognostic factor in Ashkenazi Jewish women with breast cancer.?Clin Cancer Res?3: 2465-9, 1997.


Huynh H,?Pollak M.?Stabilization of mammary-derived growth inhibitor messenger RNA by antiestrogens.?Clin Cancer Res?3: 2151-6, 1997.


Nickerson T, Huynh H,?Pollak M.?Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 induces apoptosis in MCF7 breast cancer cells.?Biochem Biophys Res Commun?237: 690-93, 1997.


Karp S, Tonin P, Begin L, Martinez J, Zhang J,?Pollak M, Foulkes W.?In?uence of BRCA1 mutations on nuclear grade and estrogen receptor status of breast carcinoma in Ashkenazi Jewish women.?Cancer?80: 435-41, 1997.


Rozen F, Yang X, Huynh H,?Pollak M.?Antiproliferative action of vitamin-D-related compounds and insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5 accumulation.?J Natl Cancer Inst?89: 652-6, 1997.



Publications: 1996

Huynh H, Nickerson T,?Pollak M, Yang X. Regulation of IGF-I receptor expression by the pure antiestrogen ICI 182780.?Clin Cancer Res?2: 2037-42, 1996.


Huynh H, Yang YX,?Pollak M.?A role for insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5 in the antiproliferative action of the antiestrogen ICI 182780.?Cell Growth Diff?7: 1501-6, 1996.


Huynh H, Alpert L,?Pollak M.?Pregnancy - dependent growth of mammary tumors is associated with overexpression of insulin-like growth factor II.?Cancer Res?56: 3651-4, 1996.


Pollak M.?Enhancement of the anti-neoplastic effects of tamoxifen by somatostatin analogues.?Digestion?57: 29-33, 1996.


Pollak M.?Peptide growth factors and breast cancer treatment: recent translational research.?Recent Results Cancer Res?40: 43-9, 1996.

Huynh H , Yang X,?Pollak M.?Estradiol and antiestrogens regulate a growth inhibitory insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 autocrine loop in human breast cancer cells.?J Biol Chem?271: 1016-21, 1996.


Huynh H, Alpert L,?Pollak M.?Silencing of the mammary derived growth inhibitor (MDGI) gene in breast neoplasms is associated with epigenetic changes.?Cancer Res?56: 4865-70, 1996.


Phelan C, Larsson C, Baird S, Futreal A, Ruttledge M, Morgan K, Tonin P, Huynh H, Korneluk R,?Pollak M, Narod S. The human mammary-derived growth inhibitor (MDGI) gene: genomic structure and mutation analysis in human breast tumors.?Genomics?34: 63-68, 1996. [Dr. Pollak and Dr. Narod are co-senior authors who contributed equally to this work]


Yang XF, Beamer WG, Huynh H,?Pollak M.?Reduced growth of human breast cancer xenografts in hosts homozygous for the 'lit' mutation.?Cancer Res?56: 1509-11, 1996.



Publications: 1995

Huynh H,?Pollak M.?Regulation of IGFBP-3 expression in breast cancer cells and uterus by estradiol and antiestrogens: correlations with effects on proliferation.?Prog Growth Factor Res?6: 495-501, 1995.


Montaner J, Harris A, Amar J, Fanning M, and multicenter study group, (including?Pollak M.). Octreotide therapy in AIDS-related refractory diarrhea: results of a multicenter Canadian-European study.?AIDS?9: 209-10, 1995.

Huynh H, Larsson C, Narod S,?Pollak M.?Tumor suppressor activity of the gene encoding mammary-derived growth inhibitor.?Cancer Res?55: 2225-31, 1995.


Bloom C, Lisbona A, Bégin LR,?Pollak M.?Extraosseous Ewing's Sarcoma.?Can Assoc Radiol J?46: 131-3, 1995.

Sekyi-Otu A, Bell RS, Ohashi C,?Pollak M, Andrulis IL. Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) receptors, IGF-I, and IGF-II are expressed in primary human sarcomas.?Cancer Res?55: 129-34, 1995.


Rosenberg L, Barkun A, Denis M,?Pollak M. Low dose octreotide and tamoxifen in the treatment of adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. Cancer 75: 23-8, 1995.

Huynh H,?Pollak M.?HH2A, an immortalized bovine breast epithelial cell line that expresses the gene encoding mammary-derived growth inhibitor.?In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim?31: 25-9, 1995.



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