Cécile Rousseau, MD

Selected Publications

Atlani, L., & Rousseau, C. (2000). The politics of culture in humanitarian aid to refugees having experienced sexual violence. Transcultural Psychiatry, 37(3), 435-449.

Corin, E. & Rousseau, C. (1997). Sens et contexte dans l’étude des problèmes psychiatriques: À la recherche de nouveaux modèles. Médecine/Sciences, 13(4), 527-533.

Crépeau, F., Foxen, P., Houle, F. & Rousseau, C. (2001). Analyse multidisciplinaire du processus décisionnel de la CISR. Refuge, 19(4), 62-75.

Darghout, S., Pedersen, D., Bibeau, G., & Rousseau, C. (2006) Painful Languages of the Body: Experiences of Headache, Pain and Suffering in Peru. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 30(3), in press.

De La Aldea, E. & amp; Rousseau, C. (1998). Violencia y Salud Mental: intervención y prevención. Mangengamos Viva La Esperanza. Guatemala.

De Plaen, S., Alain, N., Rousseau, C., Chiasson, M., Lynch, A., Elejalde, A. & Sassine, M. (2005) Mieux travailler en situations cliniques complexes: l'expérience des séminaires transculturels interinstitutionnels. Santé mentale au Québec, 30(2), 281-299.

Drapeau, A., Rousseau, C. & Boivin, J.-F. (2005). Mesure de la santé mentale dans une étude populationnelle. In Connaître, débattre et décider: la contribution d'une Enquête socio-économique et de santé intégrée et longitudinale. Québec: Institut de la statistique du Québec (pp.89-120).

Greenfield, B., Larson, C., Hechtman, L., Rousseau, C., & Platt, R. (2002). A rapid-response outpatient model for reducing hospitalization rates among suicidal adolescents. Psychiatric Services, 53(12), 1574-1579.

Greenfield, B., Rousseau, C., Slatkoff, J., Lewkowski, M., Davis, M., Dubé, S., Lashley, M., Morin, I., Dray, P. & Harnden, B. (2006). Profile of a metropolitan North American immigrant suicidal adolescent population. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 51(3), 155-159

Heath, N., Petrakos, H., Finn, C. Karagiannakis, A. McLean-Heywood, D. & Rousseau, C. (2004). Inclusion on the final frontier: A model for including children with emotional and behaviour disorders in Canada. The International Journal of Inclusive Education, 8(3), 241-259

Kirmayer, L.J., Rousseau, C. & Crépeau, F. (2004) Research ethics and the plight of refugees in detention.
Monash Bioethics Review, 23(4), 85-92.

Le Boy, Y. & Rousseau, C. (2000). Du bon usage des autobiographies. Critique Internationale, 6, 57-60.

Le Bot, Y. & Rousseau, C. (2000). Rigoberta Menchú: La naissance d'un sujet. Journal de la Société des Américanistes, 85, 415-424.

Mekki-Berrada, A., Rousseau, C. & Bertot, J., (2001). Research on refugees: Means of transmitting suffering and forging social bonds. International Journal of Mental Health, 30(2), 41-57.

Montgomery, C., Rousseau, C., & Shermarke, M. (2001). Alone in a strange land: Unaccompanied minors and issues of protection.
Canadian Ethnic Studies, 33(1), 1-17.

Moreau, S., Rousseau, C., Mekki-Berrada, A., TCMR & ÉRASME. (1999). Politiques d'immigration et santé mentale des réfugiés: profil et impact des séparations familiales, Nouvelles Pratiques Sociales, 11(2) – 12(1), 177-196.

Rousseau, C. (1999). Playing around with a story. Transcultural Psychiatry, 36(4), 447-450.

Rousseau, C. (2000).
Les réfugiés à notre porte : Violence organisée et souffrance sociale. Revue Criminologie, 33(1), 185-201.

Rousseau, C. (2002). Incertitude et clinique transculturelle. L'Évolution psychiatrique, 67, 764-774.

Rousseau, C. (2003). L'horreur et l'humanité. Frontières, 15(3), 60-62

Rousseau, C. (2005). Diving into complexity: John Sigal's work on the long-term consequences of the Holocaust. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 10(2), 262-265.

Rousseau, C., Alain, N., De Plaen, S., Chiasson-Lavoie, M., Elejalde, A., Lynch, A., & Moss, E. (2005). Repenser la formation continue dans le réseau de la santé et des services sociaux: l'expérience des séminaires inter-institutionnels en intervention transculturelle. Nouvelles pratiques sociales, 17(2), 109-125.

Rousseau, C. & Ang, W.(2005) Migrantenadolescenten ‘in between’ : De uitdagingen van de identiteitsvorming. Psyche, 17(4), 8-10.

Rousseau, C., Crépeau, F., Foxen, P. & Houle, F. (2002). The complexity of determining refugeehood: A multidisciplinary analysis of the decision-making process of the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board. Journal of Refugee Studies, 15(1), 43-70.

Rousseau, C., de la Aldea, E., Vijer-Rojas, M., & Foxen, P. (2005) After the NGO's departure: Changing Memory Strategies of Young Mayan Refugees Who Returned to Guatemala As a Community. Anthropology and Medicine, 12(1), 3-21.

Rousseau, C. & Drapeau, A. (1998). Parent-Child Agreement on Refugee Children’s Psychiatric Symptoms : A Transcultural Perspective. Journal of American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry, 37(6), 629-636.

Rousseau, C. & Drapeau, A. (2000). Scholastic achievement of adolescent refugees from Cambodia and Central America. Adolescence, 35(138), 243-258.

Rousseau, C. & Drapeau, A. (2003). Are refugee children an at-risk group?: A longitudinal study of Cambodian adolescents. Journal of Refugee Studies, 16(1), 67-81.

Rousseau, C. & Drapeau, A. (2004). Premigration exposure to political violence among independent immigrants and its association with emotional distress. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 192(12), 852-856.

Rousseau, C., Drapeau, A., Chan, M. & Platt, R. (2004) Family environment and psychiatric symptoms in adolescent Cambodian refugees: Influence of time, gender, and acculturation. Medicine Conflict and Survival, 20(2), 151-165.

Rousseau, C., Drapeau, A. & Corin, E. (1996). School performance and emotional problems in refugee children. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 66(2), 239-251.

Rousseau, C., Drapeau, A. & Corin, E. (1997). The Influence of Culture and Context on the Pre- and Post-Migration Experience of School-Aged Refugees from Central America and Southeast Asia in Canada. Social Science & Medicine, 44(8), 1115-1127.

Rousseau, C., Drapeau, A. & Corin, E. (1998). Risk and Protective Factors in Central American and Southeast Asian Refugee Children. Journal of Refugee Studies, 11(1), 20-37.

Rousseau, C., Drapeau, A., Lacroix, L., Bagilishya, D. & Heusch, N. (2005). Evaluation of a classroom program of creative expression workshops for refugee and immigrant children. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46(2), 180-185.

Rousseau, C., Drapeau, A. & Platt, R. (1999). Family trauma and its association with emotional and behavioral problems and social adjustment in adolescent Cambodian refugees. Child Abuse & Neglect, 23(12), 1263-1273.

Rousseau, C., Drapeau, A. & Platt, R. (2000). Living conditions and emotional profile of young Cambodians, Central Americans and Quebecois.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 45(10), 905-911.

Rousseau, C., Drapeau A., & Rahimi, S. (2003). The Complexity of trauma response: A 4-year follow-up of adolescent Cambodian refugees. Child Abuse and Neglect, 27(11), 1277-1290.

Rousseau, C., Gauthier, M.-F., Lacroix, L., Moran, A., Vigerr-Rojas, M., Alain, N., et al. (2005). Playing with identities and transforming shared realities: Drama therapy workshops for adolescent immigrants and refugees. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 32(1), 13-27.

Rousseau, C. & Heusch, N. (2000). The Trip: A creative expression project for refugee or immigrant children. The Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 17(1), 31-40.

Rousseau, C., Key, F., & Measham, T. (2005). The work of culture in the treatment of psychosis in migrant adolescent. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 10(3), 305-317.

Rousseau, C., Lacroix, L., Bagilishya, D. & Heusch, N. (2003). Working with myths: Creative Expression Workshops for Immigrant and Refugee Children in a School Setting. American Journal of Art Therapy, 20(1), 3-10.

Rousseau, C., Lacroix, L., Singh, A., Gauthier, M.-F. & Benoit, M. (2005). Creative Expression Workshops in School: Prevention Programs for Immigrant and Refugee Children. The Canadian Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 14(3), 82-85.

Rousseau, C. & Machouf, A. (2005). A preventive pilot project addressing multiethnic tensions in the wake of Iraq war. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 75(4), 466-474.

Rousseau, C. & Measham, T. (2004). Childhood reactions to terrorism: Addressing the mental health consequences of intercommunity tensions. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 43(11), 1320-1321.

Rousseau, C., Mekki-Berrada, A. & Moreau, S. (2001). Trauma and extended separation from family among Latin American and African refugees in Montréal.
Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes, 64(1), 40-59.

Rousseau, C., Mekki-Berrada, A. & Rufagari, M-C. (1999). Traumatismes et séparations familiales prolongées chez les réfugiés du Congo-Kinshasa établis à Montréal. Revue Canadienne des Études Africaines, 33(2 et 3), 584-592.

Rousseau, C., Morales, M. & Foxen, P. (2001). Going home: Giving voice to memory. strategies of young Mayan refugees who returned to Guatemala as a community. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 25(2), 135-168.

Rousseau, C., Rufagari, M.C., Bagilashya, D. & Measham, T. (2004). Remaking Family Life: Strategies for re-establishing Continuity Among Congolese Refugees During the Family Reunification Process.
Social Science & Medicine, 59(5), 1095-1108.

Rousseau, C., Said, T.M., Gagné, M.J. & Bibeau, G. (1998). Between myth and madness : The premigration dream of leaving among young Somali refugee. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 22(4), 385-411.

Rousseau, C., Said, T.M., Gagné, M.-J. & Bibeau, G. (1998). Resilience in unaccompanied minors from the North of Somalia.
Psychoanalytic Review, 85(4), 615-635.

Rousseau, C., Said, T.M., Gagné, M.-J. & Bibeau, G., (2001). Rêver ensemble le départ. Construction du mythe chez les jeunes Somaliens réfugiés. Autrepart, 18, 51-68.

Rousseau, C. Singh, A., Lacroix, L., & Measham, T. (2004). Creative expression workshops for immigrant and refugee children: Clinical perspectives. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 43(2), 235-238.

Stein, D., Rousseau, C., & Lacroix, L. (2004). Between innovation and tradition: The paradoxical relationship between eye movement desensitization and reprocessing and altered states of consciousness. Transcultural Psychiatry, 41(1), 5-30.

Selected Chapters and Books


Bibeau, G., Chan-Yip, A.M., Lock, M., Rousseau, C. & Sterlin, C. (1992). La santé mentale et ses visages: Un Québec pluriethnique au quotidien. Chicoutimi, QC, Canada: Gaëtan Morin, 289 p.

Habimana, E. Rousseau, C., Saucier, J.-F., & Streit, U. (2001). Psychiatrie transculturelle, migrations. In A. Lalonde, Grunberg et collaborateurs (Ed.), Psychiatrie clinique - Une approche bio-psycho-sociale - Tome II - Spécialités, traitements, sciences fondamentales et sujets d'intérêt. Boucherville, QC, Canada: Gaëtan Morin (pp. 1746-1759).

Kirmayer, L.J., Rousseau, C., Jarvis, E. & Guzder, J. (2003) The Cultural Context of Clinical Assessment. In A. Tasman, J. Lieberman & J. Kay, (Eds.), Psychiatry Second Edition, Volume 1. Toronto, ON, Canada: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Kirmayer, L.J., Rousseau, C. & Santhanam, R. (2003). Models of Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Multicultural Mental Health. In A. Rummens, M. Beiser, & S. Noh (Eds.), Navigating diversity: Immigration, Health and Ethnicity. Toronto, ON, Canada: University of Toronto Press.

Measham, T., Rousseau, C. & Alain, N. (2003).
La médiation: articulation des espaces thérapeutiques et politiques. In T. Baubet & M.-R. Moro (Eds.), Psychiatrie & migrations. Issy-les-Moulineaux Cedex, France: Éditions Masson (pp.195-202).

Rousseau, C. (2001). Santé mentale des immigrants et des réfugiés. In: G. Morin (Ed.), Psychiatrie clinique - Une approche bio-psycho-sociale, Tome II, Spécialités, traitements, sciences fondamentales et sujets d'intérêt. Montréal, QC, Canada: Gaëtan Morin (pp 1750-1753).

Rousseau, C. (2003). Soigner le trauma psychique: Alibi ou nécessité. In T. Beaubet, K. Le Roch, D. Bitar & M.R. Moro (Eds.), Soigner malgré tout: Bébés, enfants et adolescents dans la violence,Vol. 2. Grenoble, France: La pensée sauvage (pp. 121-143)

Rousseau, C. (2003). Violence organisée et traumatismes. In T. Baubet & M.-R. Moro (Eds.), Psychiatrie & migrations. Issy-les-Moulineaux Cedex, France: Éditions Masson (pp.148-154).

Rousseau, C. (2004). Le jeu des différences. In C. Colin (Ed.), Une juste place pour tous les enfants: Plaidoyer pour l'action. Montréal, QC, Canada: Éditions de l'Hôpital Sainte-Justine - Centre hospitalier universitaire mère-enfant (pp. 119-131).

Rousseau, C. (2005) HIV and cultural diversity. In K.Citron, M-J. Brouillette & A. Beckett (Eds.), HIV and psychiatry: a training resource manual. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press (pp.248-252).

Rousseau, C. (2005) La rencontre amoureuse et le métissage des mondes: repenser la prévention et l'intervention. In Alex Battaglini et al., Actes du colloque: Diversité culturelle et relations amoureuses. Montreal, QC, Canada: Publications du Québec (pp.33-44).

Rousseau, C. & Drapeau, A. (1998). The Impact of Culture on the Transmission of Trauma: Refugees' stories embodied in their children's lives. In Y. Danieli (Ed.), International Handbook of Multigenerational Legacies of Trauma. New York : Plenum Press (pp. 465-486).

Rousseau, C. & Drapeau, A. (2002). Santé mentale. In Institut de la statistique Québec (Ed.), Santé et bien-être, immigrants récents au Québec: une adaptation réciproque? Étude auprès des communautés culturelles 1998-1999. Montréal, QC, Canada: Les Publications du Québec (pp. 211-245).

Rousseau, C., ÉRASME, & Université 69ÈÈÊÓƵ. (2004). Les innovations silencieuses des organismes oeuvrant auprès des populations immigrantes. In Fonds de recherche sur la société et la culture, Le développement social au rythme de l'innovation. Ste-Foy, QC, Canada: Les Presses de l'Université du Québec (pp. 131-137).

Rousseau, C. & Foxen, P. (2005). Constructing and deconstructing the myth of the lying refugee: Paradoxes of power and justice in an administrative immigration tribunal. In Els van Dongen (Ed.), Lying and illness: Power and performance. Amsterdam: Her Spinhuis.

Rousseau, C. & Marotte, C. (2006). Éclaboussures traumatiques et regards sur la filiation: les enfants nés du viol. In T. Baubet, C. Lachal, L. Ouss-Ryngaert & M.R. Moro (Eds.), Bébés et traumas. Grenoble, France: La pensée sauvage (in press).

Rousseau, C. & Nadeau, L. (2003). Migration, exil et santé mentale. In T. Baubet & M.-R. Moro (Eds.), Psychiatrie & migrations. Issy-les-Moulineaux Cedex, France: Éditions Masson (pp. 126-136).


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